Many of the countries of Latin America have something similar with their mother country, Spain. A large number of these countries, including Mexico, Guatemala, and the like all have people who speak Spanish and developed their cultures as a result of the Spaniards arriving in their countries for the first time, and their making contact with the Indians and indigenous population of these areas.
The Hispanic countries share many similarities with each other, though they have their share of differences as well; each country has its own rituals, food, celebrations, and family values. I personally grew up in two different Hispanic countries; first Spain and later in Columbia. The culture of Spain is different from the culture present in Columbia, given the fact that each of these countries have factors that make them distinct from one another. One such differentiation is the type of people and the mannerisms of the people who reside within those countries; for example, those who are native to Spain tend to be colder in demeanor and manner than those from Columbia, while individuals from Columbia are more open, friendlier, and more hospitable. Individuals from Columbia are more likely to engage strangers in conversation, while those from Spain are more likely to go about their own business.

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In Latin America, the cultures present in the various countries found there are somewhat similar, and often celebrate their festivals on the same days, keeping the same holidays as their neighboring countries and celebrating those holidays in the same manner or method; however each country has their own form of parade. One of the most popular parades in Latin America is the Carnival de Rio in Brazil, followed closely by the Fair of the Flowers in Medelin, Columbia, and the Diablos of Danzantes in Venezuela. Spain has the Festival of Cadiz, and Safermin parties, all of which have been celebrated for decades.

Each country has their own type of food, all widely diverse, and they have different procedures for how to make their own variants on food; a tamale obtained in Spain would taste different from one obtained in Mexico, for example. The most popular food in Spain is the paella, a food recognized around the world. Columbian and Brazilian food, on the other hand, are more colonial in nature, with food being prepared and cooked in wood burning clay ovens, giving the food a different taste than one might expect, and offering a longer cook time than that which may be found in other countries.

It is possible to see that in each of the different cultures present in the different countries there are many traditions left over from past times, and those traditions are still alive and well in this day and age. Given the popularity of these traditions, it is safe to say that many families from these cultures will never lose their traditions.