The most successful product of the Hewlett-Packard Company was the Hewlett-Packard Deskjet Printer. The company introduce the printer in the market in the year 1988. The printer was exceptional in the market, seeing that the company had modified it into different components. These components included the laser printer, the inkjet printer and the dot matrix printer. The three printers had influence in the market according to their cost, their process speed and their availability. Hence, the paper will cover the supply chain of the product.

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How can design for logistic concepts be used to control logistics costs and make the supply chain more efficient?
The design for logistic concepts is a major factor that influences the efficiency of the supply chain in that; it the design concepts enhances the logistics cost control. The design hence uses three different approaches to see to it that all the logistics costs remain under control. According to Kaminsky, (Kaminsky 2008), these approaches include standardization, concurrent and parallel processing and cost-effective packaging and shipping. Kaminsky says that (Kaminsky 2008). The concurrent and parallel processing influences the control of the logistics costs. Again, manufacturing of the various components for the equipment under manufacture is parallel. The term parallel means that when one component is under processing, the other one that is going to be joined with is being manufactured at the same time. The bottom-line of the parallel processing is that the manufacturing of the various components under assembly for the market is going hand in hand with the manufacture of other components. The packaging of the equipment being supplied to the market should be economical. The Desk-jet packaging incurred a large amount of cost seeing that, they were assembled in bulk and hence their transportation was a task. Hence, to cut control such costs, the packaging for the equipment to be supplied should be standard to see to it that, the products get to their destination as required, get to the clients and time and do not incur any costs.

What is delayed differentiation and can Hewlett-Packard use delay differentiation to address the problem described in the case above?
Delayed differentiation is the approach of generic products production and transportation at the furthest point down on the supply chain before the addition of clients’ requirements and products customization. The delayed differentiation process will play a role in the reduction of the stock required for safety and the time consumed by HP. Also, the transportation of the generic; products, the amassing of the power supply component together with a functioning printer will enhance the inventions of the various products that are highly demanded in the market thus creating frequency for the products supply (Christopher 2013)

How can the advantages of delayed differentiation be quantified?
The quantification of the delayed differentiation advantages can be done through; the observation of the average information acquired from demand. The use of the demand information will enhance the understanding of how the delayed differentiation is functioning, the shortcomings and the quantification of its advantages.

When should suppliers be involved in the new product development process?
The suppliers can be involved in a new product development process on different levels. According to Kaminsky, (Kaminsky 2008), these levels that are dubbed Spectrum of Supplier Integration include; the white-box involvement level, the no involvement level, the grey box-involvement and the black box level. The no involvement level as it states does not require the suppliers’ involvement (Robert, Handfield & Nicholas 2000) However, the other three levels require suppliers involvement but on different grounds. The white-box involves the customers’ consultancy with the suppliers while the grey box is a more official involvement where the customers and the suppliers set up collaborating teams. The black box completes the suppliers’ involvements in that; they are independent to give information to customers concerning the new products.

What is mass customization?
Mass customization is the process through which; goods manufactured for a wide market that comprises any customers, are delivered to a particular customer with a given amount of cost for the products. (Moser 2007) However, the customization does not involve just one customer but several specific customers who agree with the sellers on the delivery of a particular product for a given amount of money. The customization also involves the product delivery time, seeing that the product should get to a particular customer at a specified time. The mass customization process is promoted by the fact that, customers have different tastes and interests for different commodities. Hence, the supply of all the products at a time tends to be bulk seeing that, chances of the customers commodity changes are very minimal. Thus, the mass customization process helps sellers to understand the product to supply to particular customers, the amount to carry and the delivery time for the commodity.

Does the supply chain management play a role in the development of an effective mass customization strategy?
The supply chain management affects the sale of commodities in several ways. However, in the case of the mass-customization process, the supply chain management plays a role in the process effectiveness. The main idea of the supply management in the mass customization is reduction of different elements. One of the major elements that the supply management influence in the case of mass customization is the doing away with the cost of management. As defined, mass customization involves the delivery of products to particular customers with an agreement of time, the type of the product and the cost. Hence, the supply chain management cost is reduced seeing that, there is that mutual connection between the seller and the buyer and all they need to do is communicate, and business is carried forward. The process is also frictionless seeing that, the buyer requests for the specific product one requires and with the agreement of cost, the product is delivered without frequent change of plans, quantity and choice of product. Hence, the mass customization appears as one of the most convenient channels of business, the sale of products and services hence being favorable according to the supply chain management.

  • Kaminsky, D., Simchi-Levi, D., & Simchi-Levi, E. (2008). Designing and Managing the Supply Chain; Concepts, Strategies and Case Studies. New York
  • Klaus Moser (2007) Mass Customization Strategies: Development of a Competence-based Framework for Identifying Different Mass Customization Strategies. U.S.A
  • Martin Christopher (2013) Logistics and Supply Chain Management. New York.
  • Robert B. Handfield, Ernest L. Nicholas (2000) Supply Chain Redesign: Transforming Supply Chains Into Integrated Value Systems. U.S.A