Germany is a great country whose healthcare system can be compared to that of the United States. Consequently, the concept of healthcare insurance in Germany can be traced back to the year 1880s. However, healthcare system in Germany is not entirely based on the workplace. On that regard, employers are supposed to pay half of the underlying premium while the other half is contributed by the employees. Despite the fact that economists have been arguing that the contribution of the employees are essentially supposed to be part of the portion that they are supposed to take home, a relatively large portion of the population is contented with the breakdown. More importantly, each German worker is empowered to choose a sickness fund. In the United States, things are somehow different because employers bear the mandate of providing the workers with a pool of insurers from where the American employees can choose from (Oliveira, Nightingale & Wachendorf, 2010).

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If you are a German citizen and you are unemployed, the insurance is supposed to continue your premium. If you are essentially poor and cannot pay the premiums, the community pays for you. For people who have just retired, their pension benefits are designed in a manner that is likely to necessitate the payment of their premiums. Children primarily remain in the sickness funds that are provided to their parents and the underlying premiums are paid by the federal government. People who migrate to Germany are also eligible to access the healthcare services of the country because it is believed that once they have moved into the country, they are also mandated to access social services that are appropriated to the country (Schulte, Pimperl & Hildebrandt, 2015).

Far from that, the coverage of health care systems in Germany is entirely universal unlike that of the United States. That means that the pre-defined healthcare issues that have been appropriated to the Germany citizens who reside in the country also apply equally to all other Germans citizens who reside in another part of the world. On the other hand, the fact that the healthcare systems of the United States are designed in a manner that fulfills the healthcare requirements of the United States citizens, they do not entirely apply to all the United States citizens from all the parts of the world. Thus, coverage is one area that the healthcare system of United States should adopt (Schulte, Pimperl & Hildebrandt, 2015).

Recent medical reforms in the United States require that all the United States citizens should have health care insurance for them to access medical services. However, those of them who do not have insurance cover can pay fines to ensure that the medical insurances are able to cater for their medical services regardless of their pre-existing conditions. The United States government has also designed measures for subsidizing the costs for accessing insurance covers to the groups of people who cannot afford them alongside appropriation of policies for limiting the out-of-pocket costs. That is entirely different from the Co-pays system that is practiced in Germany. In fact, a person is required to pay an average of 10 euros to access healthcare services in Germany for every medical session that is relatively lower if it were to be compared to that of the United States (Oliveira, Nightingale & Wachendorf, 2010).

Also, it is much easier and cost effective for people who have been referred to see specialists to access such services in Germany than in the United States. That is mad possible in the sense that negotiations for health care services are not always based on the specialists and the patients but rather through a group of representatives who may opt to sit around a table and negotiate a price that is fair to the patients. In the United States, things are somehow different because the negotiation of healthcare fees depends entirely on the service providers and their respective patients (Schulte, Pimperl & Hildebrandt, 2015).

Patients who access healthcare services from Germany are way off relieved in financial issues compared to their counterparts who reside in the United States. Unlike in the United States where patients are likely to enter into negotiations regarding the costs of medical services that they are likely to acquire from healthcare providers, healthcare services in Germany are designed to protect the patients from running into unnecessary medical costs. On that regard, Germany citizens who seek healthcare services would essentially avail their medical cards from where the healthcare providers are supposed to record the healthcare services that they will have offered to the patients. After a given duration of time, they are provided with checks that cover the underlying medical costs that may have been used by the patients. That makes medical access in Germany to be primarily more efficient than in the United States because it is cost effective in the long run (Oliveira, Nightingale & Wachendorf, 2010).

Another financial implication of healthcare systems in the United States and in Germany is the fact that drug expenditure is relatively lower in Germany compared to that in the United States. It should be noted that the government of the two countries does not regulate the costs of the drugs that are accessed by the citizens of the countries. On that regard, citizens of the two nations are mandated to choose the type of medications that are appropriate for them depending on how they can afford them. Nonetheless, a majority of the citizens choose to go for cheap drugs at the expense of purchasing drugs that are primarily expensive. All in all, the cost of purchasing drugs in Germany is relatively lower than the cost of purchasing drugs in the United States (Schulte, Pimperl & Hildebrandt, 2015).