As previously mentioned the amount of chronic diseases continues to rise. With this increase chronic disease are the major contributor to death and disability. In the United States one of the often underappreciated chronic diseases is that of obesity(DeNisco & Barker, 2016) . Besides being a disease itself, it is also a risk factor for the development of other chronic diseases (Rippe, Crossley, & Ringer, 1998). The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 was aimed to reduce and prevent chronic diseases in adults and children. Since this time another act has also been proposed, the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act of 2015. This is similar to the 2009 act, but it specifically targets obesity in people who are Medicare beneficiaries. As these people often lack resources by targeting this group, if implemented this will help to expand on the 2009 act and ensure its success (Buchholz, 2015)As mentioned, education is one of the main requirements for reducing chronic diseases. There are many different risk factors for the development of chronic diseases including obesity, physical inactivity, smoking and alcohol intake are major contributors. Previous research has shown that lifestyle interventions, such as a change in diet and an increase in exercise, can reduce a person’s risk for the development of chronic diseases (Willett et al., 2006)Besides the CDC, which is developing education initiatives there is another initiative by the US Department of Health and Human services to provide education for management and prevention of chronic conditions (Health & Services, 2012). As we continue to develop technology which makes us sedentary these initiatives will help reduce and prevent chronic diseases. By informing people and creating opportunities for them to learn about potential risk factors this will help to reduce the burden of disease in the US.