Samples "Health science" (Page 7)

Health science

Alterations in Immunity Case Study

Possible disease process according to client’s historyThe symptoms seen on Donna suggest that she has allergic rhinitis and is also possibly affected by allergic contact dermatitis. Her complaints include tenderness of her maxillary sinuses, she has medium sized polyps on each side of her nasal tract and has red, boggy...

422 words | 3 page(s)
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Health Related Teaching Scenario

Mrs G is a 50 year old female, who has presented to the clinic with extensive memory loss that has been gradually worsening over the last six months. In particular, this patient reports that they constantly experience black outs and often forgets minor, routine details that they would normally have...

1094 words | 5 page(s)
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Travel Related Illnesses Caused by Parasites

When people travel, they may get exposed to various bacterial, parasitic and viral infections that they may not have come into contact with in the places they live. This may be due to the change in climate, difference in hygiene practices and sanitation which can be found in other parts...

1302 words | 5 page(s)
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Health Locus of Control Orientation and Health-Related Behavior

Health locus of control (HLC) is a psychological construct that is important to study in the context of health-related behaviors (Burker, Phillips, & Giza, 2012). Health locus of control is the extent to which an individual feels their health-related outcomes are related to their personal behaviors or characteristics or whether...

1150 words | 5 page(s)
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Dream Theories- Why We Sleep

One of the most pertinent lessons that I have learnt about sleep is that sleep patterns vary from one individual to the next, as well as from one society to another (Myers, 2009, p.55). I have also learnt that sleep is important for a number of varied reasons. The important...

592 words | 3 page(s)
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