Hayy ibn Yaqzan is a philosophical tale which is named after Hayy ibn Yaqzan. It is written by the Muslim philosopher Ibn Tufayl. Right from the beginning of the story, the author starts by bringing out a philosophical reasoning. This is evident when it comes to the plot in which the story is developed. Ibn Tufayl uses remote and uninhabited Equatorial Island as the plot under which the story is based. This brings about deductive philosophical reasoning. It makes one to think the logic behind the choice of the plot and yet the main character Hayy ibn Yaqzan was a very young kid at this particular time who expected human care. As per the novel, the doe that has been taking care of Hayy dies when he is just seven years of age, but he survives by using his reason. This portrays him a philosophical person who is guided by reasoning.
There is aspect of philosophy when the author presents Havy as a solitary and social tabula rasa. This lies with the fact that it facilitates the audience in seeing that philosophy that is based on reasoning guides human intellect. Additionally, learning falls in line with the same logical path that is identified by methods used by the philosophers. With respect to philosophy, the seclusion of unoccupied island acts as a design of natural progression of the mind. This occurs in the absence of distractions and absence of divergence in the society. Havy’s rational reasoning relies on reasoned inquiry. He does this by combining all animal species for a close up consideration.

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Logical reasoning in philosophy is based on one’s ability to differentiate. As per the novel, after mentally combining all the animals for a consideration, Hayy was able to develop both the similarities and differences. This whole idea of classifying them into different categories for him to be able to understand the differences and the similarities is one of the major pillars of philosophy. It usually states that do not run into conclusion unless you have research about something and come up clear finings. This is exactly what Hayy does in the novel. The logic and which he uses to group animals and plants to get is very correct. After research, Havy classifies the plants and animals together on the basis that both plants and the animals growth and how nutrition. This is logical even in science which classifies them under living things. Also, the fact that he was able to separate living things from non-living things based on the theory of differentiation makes a lot of sense. He suggest that non-living such as stones do not belong to the same group as the living because they do not eat, grow or even sense like it is the case when it comes to the living organisms.

The kind of reasoning he applies after discovering fire is unbelievable. He sees fire symbolizing warmt that animated the animals. He dissects animals and then starts with the dead doe to confirm his intuition. This only happens as a result of curiosity. After dissecting both the living and the dead animal Hayy concludes that warmth is an animating spirit. He does all this so that he can have conclusions which are based on logical reasoning. He also do this due to his desire for knowledge a character that is common among all philosophers right from Aristotle and Plato some of the world’s best philosophers that ever existed. After all the experiments, Havvy comes up with some conclusions. As he sums up, shows that all the animals are ‘one in reality.’He further claims that all the bodies whether inanimate or animate are just but one thing. This is considered as logical reasoning. This lies with the fact that the summaries are only made after an experiments have proven it right.

Havy also continues with his logical utterances. He continues from the animating aspect to the existence of the soul which is considered superior to the corporeality. As written by Ibn Tufayl, Hayy sees the whole universe as in reality one great being. He further thinks of an aspect that will unite all the different parts of the universe. He uses the same reasoning that showed the oneness of all bodies in the universe. Havy also wondered about the genesis of these aspects. His thoughts leaned on whether they came from nothing or something. With respect to this philosophy, he came to a conclusion that there existed the Aristotelian prime movers or non-corporeal causes. He later classified this as necessarily existent. So in terms of philosophy, it is arguably right to say that Hayy had learned that his ultimate happiness and triumph over misery would be won only if he could make his awareness of the Necessarily Existent. Therefore, frm his reasoning, he comes to a conclusion that is is very true that mystical experiences are the highest forms of knowledge and information. However, this can also be achieved via disposition and reason.

Havy’s feature also entails lots of logical reasoning. This occurs especially after Havy’s self discipline unfolded seld discovery. He is portrayed discovering what makes some some vices worse. This is shown when hr uses philosophical reasoning or logic even in most of his actions. Nonetheless, he takes part in actions that help him acquire food as well as physical safety.