Prabaharan (2012) defines green design is the engagement of developing a product or infrastructure in a way that is environmentally friendly. The design is more inclined towards the built environment with the aim of ensuring that the natural environment is protected (Prabaharan, 2012). The author asserts that integration of different elements in the initiation of various procedures is imperative for achieving an environmentally friendly design. Adhikary (2010) shares the same assertions as he states that the scope of green design is widened to include the initiation of features within the environment that assist in the preservation of the environment and its components. Importantly, the adaptation of the design is based on the underlying defining characteristics of the population to ensure that environmental friendly efforts are fully adapted (Adhikary, 2010). As such, the green design is an excellent tool for guaranteeing the existence of green initiatives.

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Watt (2010) affirms that there are different types of green design, which are based on improving the environment from broad segments of the environment. The designing of these various categories relies on the aspect of ensuring that the large components of the environment are adequately protected (Watt, 2010). Therefore, it is an ideal way of ensuring that the design by itself is a way of promoting environmentally friendly initiatives.

Suib (2013) points out that there are different examples of green prints that can be used as a way of ensuring that green design is attained. An example of green print is the utilization recycled papers to communicate the intended message (Suib, 2013). The use of an improved strategies in the printing to ensure that the intended message is communicated effectively is an environmentally friendly approach, which is essential in ensuring that the need for utilizing more prints is reduced. Therefore, the decision to use green paint is a strategy that is effective in ensuring that environmental friendly endeavors are upheld.

Fox (2013) holds the idea that the concept of green products is an aspect that is necessary for the maintenance of the delicate equilibrium in the environment. The range of green products is wide based on the intended use of the particular product. Coad (2012) provides different examples of products that are categorized as green. The parameters that define a green product include the reduction in emissions and posing of danger to the environmental resources (Coad, 2012). An example of a green product would be canvas materials made from recycled papers. The element of relying on waste to develop new products is an endeavor that can be categorized as environmentally friendly. Additionally, an artwork derived from the utilization of waste is considered a green item as the primary component of making the art is the use of waste material. Neiva de Figueiredo & Guillen (2016) provide an overview of green products and assert that the use of home appliances that reduce the consumption of energy is an instance of green products. The use of energy is reduced, which infers that the utilization of electricity is reduced (Neiva de Figueiredo & Guillen, 2016).

Wang (2014) describes green packaging as the development of packing items with an end goal of ensuring the preservation of the environment. Significantly, green packaging items are made from materials that do not pose any harm to the natural environment. Abellán (2016) provides a broad range of examples that can be used to describe the phenomena of green packaging including the reliance on fitting packaging items to ensure that the wastage in reduced. Therefore, it increases environmental friendly endeavors as the rate of waste emission is reduced. Further, the reduction in the thickness and weight of packaging is an aspect that is considered green packaging as it reduces the rate of waste emissions in the environment.

The above-discussed literature describes the vast scope of the issue in green design, which is an evidence of its comprehensive nature. The findings by the different authors are important in the development of improved conclusions regarding various issues related to green design.

  • Abellán, M. (2016). Green packaging solutions (1st ed.). Sant Adrià de Besòs: Monsa.
  • Adhikary, R. (2010). The Promise of green design. Design Management Review, 19(4), 22-29.
  • Coad, J. (2012). Green technology (1st ed.). London: Raintree.
  • Fox, S. (2013). Designing transcendent products. Engineering Management Journal, 12(6), 109.
  • Lucas, D. (2013). Green design (1st ed.). [Salenstein]: Braun Publ.
  • Neiva de Figueiredo, J. & Guillen, M. (2016). Green products (1st ed.). Portland: CRC Press.
  • Prabaharan, M. (2012). Green design framework for new product development. InternationalJournal of Modeling and Optimization, 245-249.
  • Suib, S. (2013). New and future developments in catalysis (1st ed.). Amsterdam: Elsevier Ltd.
  • Wang, Y. (2014). On green packaging design in packaging design. Advanced MaterialsResearch, 971-973, 2251-2254.
  • Watt, M. (2010). Has green news reporting gone green? An analysis of geographically diverse newspapers’ online and print coverage of climate change. First Monday, 15(10).