Goya’s 3rd of May still resonates strongly today. The film was rather disjointed as far as portraying it, but it did leave an impact. Basically it was much more than just a painting. Like all forms of art, it illustrated what was happening in society at that time. With this work, it was depicted through Goya’s eyes and that is what makes it so moving.

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Also, this painting is timeless. What occurred on that day in 1808 is not something that has not happened before or will not happen again. It shows the carnage from human dominance that is still going on today. For example, look at the Ukraine in Russia or the fighting in Africa. People always want to dominate one another or build an empire, but in the process many innocent people are killed that they feel stand in the way. Goya’s painting is a testament to a time-tested tradition that certainly will not leave this earth anytime soon. In addition, it is shocking the film shows the revolution and barely discusses Goya.

Since the film does show the French invasion and Spanish reaction, it makes it appear that is the focus instead of the painting or Goya himself. Obviously no one can say what motivated Goya as far as his vision or what he hoped to show, but it would have been nice to know more about his background to draw a conclusion as to why he felt the need to paint that kind of scene having worked for the royal house of Spain. Of course, a person can determine what they would like from viewing the painting and that is what is art is about as it is relative to a person’s subjective opinion, but the only thing that can be taken from this painting is the horrible nature of war and that science kills men while men kill other men for no good reason. Maybe that was Goya’s point?