Samples "Government" (Page 7)


Government Contract Process

1. The Department of Defense in particular seemed to take into account the suggestions from the Office of Management and Budget. In particular, one of the changes the DOD seemed to make to its process was to link award contracts to certain performance incentives. If the goal of government contracting...

653 words | 3 page(s)
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Effects of Illegal Immigrants on Budget Costs for Federal and Local Governments

Illegal immigrants affect the local economies in many ways. An evaluation of the effects reveals that the areas where the illegal immigrants are perceived to have a negative effect on the economies are not true. In fact, the perception of negative effects has been shown to be untrue by research...

1011 words | 4 page(s)
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The History of Texas Government

The basic document of governing in the state of Texas is known as the Texas Constitution, originally taking effect in the year of 1876. It is the seventh in its particular state's line of history and the fifth since the region of Texas achieved official statehood. According to Article 17...

651 words | 3 page(s)
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Powers of The Texas Governor

The Governor of Texas is the chief executive for the State of Texas and the Commander in Chief for the state’s military entities. The governor is a member of a plural executive that includes the Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, and Comptroller of Public Accounts . The governor appoints the Secretary...

339 words | 3 page(s)
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Lobbying in the State of Texas

The organization responsible for overseeing lobbying in Texas is the Texas Ethics Committee (T.E.C.) The Texas Ethics Committee was created in 1991, when the Texas Constitution added a new provision. One of the statutory duties of the T.E.C. is to oversee lobby activity. This duty is the subject of Chapter...

734 words | 3 page(s)
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