Samples "God"


A State of Perpetual Wonder: The Debate Over God’s Existence

In the most recent episode of Philosophy Now, William Lane Craig’s article revisits the old debate over whether or not God exists, examining the philosophical basis for arguing against those who contend that God either is no longer imminent, or that he never was. Craig traces the changes that have...

776 words | 3 page(s)
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Love and God

In the book ‘The Art of Loving’, Erich Fromm tries to find the most ideal description of love. In the second chapter of his book, The Theory of Love, Fromm contends that love is the one of the most crucial aspects that define the existence of human beings. He indicates...

623 words | 3 page(s)
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Nature of God

The most consistent factor in all of the religions that have been studied is the comprehension and dedication to the belief of a supernatural being or beings which are referred to, in some context, as God. How each religion views the concept of God greatly differs as does the way...

781 words | 3 page(s)
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Philosophy Questions

In terms of metaphysics, Descartes holds to very specific principles, all of which support his conviction that doubt is the only sure means of understanding truth and reality. The Cartesian concept of identifying existence as such relies on the philosopher's conviction that dualism is the defining aspect of human existence....

947 words | 4 page(s)
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Cosmological Argument

The cosmological argument is an attempt to prove the existence of God by choosing to observe and isolate different parts of the world around us humans. It starts with one definitive, obvious truth: things exist in some form in our world. From there, the cosmological argument posits that the mere...

915 words | 4 page(s)
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