Genetic screening is the process of sequencing the human genome with the bid of finding out genetic anomalies, differences and mutations that may prove important in the life of an organism. With the improvement in technologies like gene splicing and gene mapping with the aid of other technologies like the computers, people can be able to detect inheritable diseases that may occur in a family’s lineage even if they are expressed in a recessive state (Schmid, 2003).

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According to scientists, a disease is an abnormal medical condition or a disorder in a body structure or function associated with a particular organism or groups of organism. Diseases are caused by microorganisms like the viruses, bacteria and protozoa in most of the organism and they cause pain and dysfunction. In adverse cases the disease leads to death (Schmid, 2003).

Ethical issues arise in every field in the medical docket. Some genetic tests are not capable of identifying all the transverse mutations that can cause a particular condition. For example in Cystic fibrosis [CF] most of the genetic tests may not discover all the mutative genes that cause this condition hence leading to uncertainty. The doctor is then required to make difficult choices without having the full information thus putting his/her doctor ethics to the test (Fraker and Mazza, 2011).

Scientists have used technologies like the gene cloning to insert beneficial gene to the genomes of crops like the maize plant to help them adapt to pest attacks. The Bacillus thuringensis gene was inserted in Zea mays to make it resistant to the stalk borer attacks thus increasing maize production around the world. Scientists however are worried that consumption of this maize can lead to more fatalities to the humans because with time those who consume this maize will develop resistance to most of the antibiotics thus increasing mortality rate (Fraker and Mazza, 2011). Some also say that it causes cancer (Fraker and Mazza, 2011).