In analyzing my garbage from the past week, I have learned that my garbage says a lot about me, and also my habits. I have always thought of myself as a fairly healthy person, but based on what is in my garbage can, one might disagree. I believe I learned more about myself doing this assignment.
I had some receipts in my garbage from stores where I have shopped that indicate I am a middle class socioeconomic level. This is based on the stores I shopped at and the money I spent. I also had some credit card applications in the garbage that would suggest the same thing.

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Many of the items thrown away are from foods that give a good indication of my age. I had a Snickers wrapper and can of Dr. Pepper in my garbage, which suggest I am about the age I am. I believe it would look different for an elderly person. Someone much older than I am would probably have more pits and peels from their fruits and vegetables, and not an empty box of Cheese-It crackers or Frosted Flakes. While I did have some remnants leftover from fruits that I ate, it is more likely that I am a young adult.

Also, my garbage shows that I could be better about recycling and being environmentally friendly. I use paper towels a lot. Most of what I threw away could have been recycled. My garbage looks different someone who is very good at recycling—where I only do it occasionally.

Another thing I think my garbage says about me is that I am often in a hurry as my food choices are frequently frozen or ready-made foods. These food items, many store brands, also show that I probably live in a city, not the country on a farm. The egg carton would suggest this as well, showing that my eggs were store bought.

Some of the tings in my garbage show that I have good hygiene. I have an empty box from my toothpaste, indicating that I brush my teeth. There were also some pieces of sugar-free chewing gum.

The refuse I recorded says a lot about me: my age, socioeconomic status, eating habits, hygiene, and my living environment. I have never really thought about what I throw away. In doing this assignment, I have realized I could eat healthier when I am in a hurry. I also could work harder to recycle and keep our planet cleaner. Based on my garbage, it does not seem that I am very environmentally friendly.