According to Fukuyama it is difficult to implement effective bureaucracies in the United State as opposed to Great Britain or France because of “tribalism” and “clientelism.” This means the United States government is essentially controlled by individuals that are involved in big business. Fukuyama feels the lobbyists that are paid hundreds of thousands of dollars and wield hundreds of thousands of dollars are the ones that control the government. It is as if money talks and people walk. Britain and France may be democracies but do not employ the lobbyists in the way the United States does.

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Also, they may gravitate at times to promote business interests, which makes perfect sense, they do not usher in or lay in bed with big business to create policy. The United States is willing to promote the corporate world rather than protect its own citizens. Bureaucracy in this country only serves to protect the business world. It weeds out other interests or those that become disinterested or dismayed at contending with it. While people look towards the United States as a model of government and success, the nation truly is run by the large corporations that make the most money. Political control, therefore, goes to the largest bidder.

In Fukuyama’s opinion, the United States’ strengths as a nation and state, lie in the fact it incorporates a liberal, democratic, capitalist system. When he first published his essays more than two decades ago, Fukuyama had an argument that was difficult to contend with. The Berlin Wall was being readied to be torn down, the Soviet Union was collapsing and the Cold War was drawing to a close. Fukuyama’s position was that a liberal, capitalist democracy would inevitably triumph over all other comers. People would gravitate towards that type of governance, simply because it was the best way to live and flourish. They may try other methods or experience different things, but ultimately the liberal, democratic society would fail. As the United States is the leading model for this type of governance, Fukuyama views it as a beacon and or shining example for other nations to aspire to attain. There has been much discussion on his theories recently, as China has now become the world’s largest economy, but again he was reinforced by the fact that nation had to institute capitalism measures in order to succeed. Although Fukuyama acknowledges there are issues with the government in the United States, such as the use of lobbyists and a penchant for establishing partnerships with big business, overall the nation has the best form of government. Due to its success, many other nations seek to emulate it and its strength lies in pursuing capitalism as well as liberalism.

The erosion or disappearance of a middle class could pose serious problems for the United States. First of all, the nation has not truly recovered from the economic crisis of 2008, which could be a reason the middle class is disappearing. If there is no buffer zone between the rich and the poor, why would the poor eventually grow tired of being subjugated then rise up against the rich? It seems inevitable even without examining any theories of class struggle, politics, etc. The have nots normally come to some point where they take what they have desired or needed for an excessive period of time into their own hands. For example, Americans that are poor certainly resent the rich. Once it comes to a situation where someone can effectively organize and unite these individuals, it is only a matter of time before they pose some sort of threat to the rich. Whether this be through class conflict, political means or simply becoming more involved in grassroots efforts remains to be seen.

While the methods may be not be obvious, meaning the poor may not use violence to achieve their goals, the outcome is not in doubt. People should be allowed to have the necessities and comforts in life to support them in being able to succeed. If all those opportunities are controlled by the rich, simply because they have the financial resources and connections, it is a recipe for disaster. This might sound strange, but the wheel always comes full circle and without a middle class to balance society, the future can be considered problematic at best.