With the increasing energy demand in the developing nations such as China and India, it is evident that future world economy is expected to consume more energy. Additionally, the incredible menace of climate change and green house effect linked with the use of fossil fuels makes its production and supply even more challenging. The major sources of energy are gas, oil and coal. This accounts for 80% of the energy that we use on our day to day life and this is not bound to change anytime soon if radical policy alterations and interventions are not developed and implemented (Global Economic Symposium, n.p). The anticipated increase in demand of energy and the status of the energy sources today, it is evident that energy resource is rapidly exploited and will soon ran out. However, with increased technology, more oil fields are being discovered day in day out to ensure that energy needs are met.
Despite the anticipated increase in demand for energy in the future, how secure the energy sources are, is still a major question and challenge (Pearson & Schuldt 1039-1042). Oil and gas fields are controlled by a few countries that are often politically unstable. Additionally, these nations have unappealing relationship with major consumers of energy. About 80% of the world known oil fields are in Africa, Persian Gulf, Russia and Caspian basin (Global Economic Symposium, n.p). On the other hand, global gas fields are Russia, Iran and Qatar. Issues revolving around energy security have steered policymakers to formulate ways of gaining autonomy regarding energy sources. For instance, support of home grown Biofuel in the United States and coal-fired power stations in Europe.

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The burning of fossil fuel for energy lead to emission of carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere, a gas associated with rising world temperatures and climate change. The scientific evidence such as raise in sea level, elimination of glaciers and increased disease infections across the world has called for urgent action by all countries to eradicate or minimize the emission of carbon dioxide to safeguard environmental deprivation. Today, the world is experiencing energy crisis due to its misuses and not its inadequacy (Pearson & Schuldt, 1040). For this, there is a need to use fossil fuel responsibly to minimize carbon dioxide emission into the atmosphere. To minimize the carbon dioxide and comfortably handle the current and future crisis, various strategies and intervention are viable:

First solution is to minimize the increasing demand for energy using advanced energy productivity and management. To minimize the increased carbon dioxide emissions, there is a need to cut down the raising energy demand and changing it into a descending trend (Global Economic Symposium, n.p). The most appealing economic growth how an economy generates more revenue using less energy. Using less energy also ensures that resources are not exploited and advanced energy security. To achieve this is not easy and requires governments integrations to bring in consumer change. This will involve delivering educational and awareness program to the people to change the way they perceive energy.

Next is to explore, invent, develop and create awareness on various energy sources both domestically and globally to try meet future energy needs. In the short run, current technologies can play significant role in ensuring carbon dioxide emitted is reduced (Global Economic Symposium, n.p). The existing technologies include use of wind, wave, biogas and liquid biofuels among other. There is need for further research on how to minimize the carbon emission into the atmosphere. For instance, technological advancement on how to capture and store carbon emitted and recycle it could be a great move. World’s largest economies such as the United States, China and India use coal as their source of energy and lack of ways to trap the emitted gas means that it is released into the atmosphere (Van, 756-757). Lastly, the developed nations and the evolving nations such as China and India should uphold policies aimed at minimizing carbon dioxide emission to reduce greenhouse effect through global market and embracing technology.

  • “Global Economic Symposium”. The Energy Crisis and Climate Change. Global-economic-symposium.org. N.p., 2017. Web. 11 Apr. 2017.
  • Pearson, Adam R., and Jonathon P. Schuldt. “Facing The Diversity Crisis In Climate Science”. Nature Climate Change 4.12 (2014): 1039-1042. Web.
  • Van Renssen, Sonja. “Energy Security Vs Climate Policy”. Nature Climate Change 4.9 (2014): 756-757. Web.