Samples "Forensics"


Psychologists’ Roles the Law and Juries

The expertise of forensic psychologists is primarily pertinent to voir dire, commonly referred to as the jury selection process. On the one hand, according to Alison (2013), forensic psychologists are sought after by defense attorneys with the central goal of coming up with jurors who are sympathetic towards defendants and...

790 words | 3 page(s)
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Linux Forensics

Since the DigiFirm is planning to carry out a forensic investigation of the computers running Linux, I would like to report on three Web sites that offer valuable information about Linux forensic investigations and appropriate tools. The first Web site that should be consulted is Symantec.connect, particularly, the article located...

301 words | 3 page(s)
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Mobile Forensics

As an experienced employee of the DigiFirm Investigation Company, there are various key steps that I must take in securing forensic evidence from my device, herein the IPhone 7 plus. These steps and retrievable information are as discussed below: Steps involved in seizing evidence The first step is turning off...

457 words | 3 page(s)
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Windows 7 Forensics

Windows 7 forensics, like any other forms of digital investigations involves carrying out investigative activities on a computer to get evidence for criminal prosecution or other uses outside the courts. Typically, computer forensics involves four major steps, data preservation, data acquisition, data authentication, and data analysis. The first two steps...

312 words | 3 page(s)
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Forensic Investigations on Wireless Devices

Forensic investigations on a wireless device is an emerging field in forensic science and law enforcement. Particularly, through mobile forensics, digital evidence can be extracted by recovering, gathering and analyzing data stored in wireless devices. Examples of data that can be collected from wireless devices include emails, text messages, transactions,...

398 words | 3 page(s)
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