Nutritionally speaking, the cause for many low birth weight babies stems from the consumption of nutritionally poor food items during pregnancy, and can be further complicated if the mother is underweight (Gebremedhin, Ambaw, Admassu, & Berhane, 2015). The environment of the mother, particularly a teenage mother can affect the food...
DescriptionGaucher's disease refers to a genetic disorder whereby glucocerebroside tends to accumulate in certain organs and cells. It is regarded as one of the metabolic disorders that is largely characterized by fatigue, bruising, anemia, low levels of blood platelets, as well as the liver and spleen enlargement (Grabowski & Future...
All of the actions that take place in the gastrointestinal system above the small intestine is done to prepare chime for absorption into the body. About ninety to ninety-five percent of all nutrition that is absorbed into the body through the small intestine. Prior to reaching the small intestine chyme...
Pregnancy is one of the most joyful times in a woman’s life however, many mothers find themselves overwhelmed with the prospect of what to eat during their pregnancy to ensure the best of health for them and their child. If you follow the proper guidelines, eating for two in a...
The average supermarket today offers a section dedicated to Jewish food items, as is the case with a local Kroger visited. I had no difficulty finding the foods; an entire aisle is set aside for “international cuisine,” and the Jewish section represents a small part of this. I was aware...
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