The field of fashion was and still is a very controversial topic. Relating to the norms of individual identity, defining changes in fashion is no easy task. This is particularly due to the fact that fashion in its very essence, is very complex as it encompasses trends that not only mirror individual ideologies but also economic and political landscapes. With respect to that questions on the scenery of fashion still need to be addressed. What are the causes that make people transit between changes in fashion? Do fashion changes through the rejection of traditional style to favor alternative trends signal new forms of identity expressions? Do fashions really go out of style but rather change slightly to be at par with different trends? To answer these questions, this paper describes the main players of fashion changes to be getting designers, different types of style and different areas of the world.

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While researching the causes of fashion changes, a diverse link between getting designers and different fashion trends is identified. During the past thirty years the fashion industry like all other industries has been fixated on profitability. Quality has since then departed from our society with the term only identifying with the rich. Consequential to this is that through the past years quality in production in the fashion industry has been discoursed all result of designers – who are the leaders in clothing –substituting quality being the main objective in designing. Further describing is that now designers are designing clothes in relation to what fashion represents rather than what fashion is. In doing so, designers, in pursuit if integrating themselves to the modern edge, have focused intensively on brand promotion. In doing this, designers have resulted to mass changes in fashion result of product differentiation to get in line with competition. This has dealt a big blow in the fashion industry as quality now is only associated by brand of the designers rather than by fashion products all in strategy of boosting sales and expanding designers X, Y or designer empire Z.

Reviewing article on fashion changes also shows how different types of styles have widely contributed to fashion changes particularly when gender identities. In order to detail how style leads to changes in fashion, focus should be on describing what exactly leads to the development of styles and the main contributors that shape a particular style. Cited works have attributed style as the external manifestation of identities in values and attitudes. Being so, style is different from the conventional forms of expressions in music, art or speech. This details how style is unique in itself in that it cannot be mimicked by an outsider but resides within the boundaries of group identities. According to The People History, changes in fashion are result of style being dependent on the tastes and preferences of a particular group of people. What leads to fashion changes result of different styles is that the dependent tastes and preferences in style often changes and time goes on. In pursuit of keeping up with trends, tastes and preferences dependent among groups change which in turn lead fashion changes. A perfect example is often seen when movie stars or music groups grow a liking to a particular fashion style. In due time, this type of fashion becomes reliant on the movie stars and music groups success and on event that the celebrities change their tastes and preferences or new stars come into the limelight, fashion changes with them.

Form the above context, another contributing factor to fashion changes through styles is trends. Due to individual ideologies, today’s consumers follow their own fashion rules all inspired by what they see on the internet, fashion animated streets and live-streamed fashion shows that are today’s favorite of fashion lovers. A decade ago, a handful of fashion directors could come up with trending fashion styles only by gathering at one place and length full discussions. Holding the keys to secret information the forty or fifty of fashion directors could curd fashion changes. However, today is a totally different scene. Only armed with the curiosity of fashion, anyone needs only to access the internet and television to draw conclusions and come up with a new style that inevitable leads to fashion changes creating chaos in the world of fashion.

Links between style changes leading to fashion changes and technology also exist in a much wider spectrum. Advanced technology is used by trend forecasting companies and professional experts to predict what they will sell in the future by using correlations in current demands. Through the utilization of information and communication technologies, flexible production and distribution systems, fashion brands are able to dictate trends which in turn lead to the development of new styles. Fast fashion brands end up with quick turnover but heavily impacts consumers particularly on gender lines with women – who often need new wardrobes three times a week – due to low prices end up choosing quantity over quality.

Also an evident contributor to changes in fashion is the year round changing of seasons. Flux in climate patters are felt everywhere no matter which part of the world on resides in. Due to this flux in climate patters also adversely affect fashion as it dictates what people should wear as consumers adjust to tightening their clothing budgets. In order to survive extreme weather conditions attributed by seasons, fashion patters are affected as people tend to look for specific pieces of clothing that will help them transcend the seasons. This describes how imminent change in season often mead to shifts in fashion.

In conclusion, an analysis on fashion changes brings into light various aspects that cause this already society ingrained phenomenon. To begin with getting designers who are considered as leaders of the fashion industry contribute adversely to changes in fashion. In their own idealistic attempt to get along in commercial competition, designers have discoursed the evolution of fashion with focus on designers being on increasing quantity rather than quality. Presence of a many brand designs have led to constant fashion changes with consumers still wanting to look their best regardless of them following up on the content of the clothes their buying. Also attributed to fashion changes have been different types of styles which have been result of changes in ideologies and tastes through trends in the fashion world. Lastly, seasonal climatic changes in different areas of the world due to geographical locations have also been attributed to changes in fashion as people in different parts of the world base their sense of fashion according to seasonal characteristics that define their geological locations.