Depression may arise whenever individuals are unable to handle grief in a positive way. This may be occasioned by the loss of important assets such as businesses, a home, or a family member. Additionally, losing employment may also trigger it. The extended periods of grieving may give way to mild forms of depression which, in some cases, culminate in a severe depression if unaddressed (Townsend, 2012). Severe depression on its part has been known to result in instances of suicide; hence, revealing the inherent dangers of a depressive state of mind. Developing effective programs for dealing with families with depressed members is an important step in avoiding any severe impact that depression may portend.

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Family Depression Program
Families handling depressed individuals are certainly an important asset in the treatment process. Since most depressed individuals spend a good deal of their time around family members, raising awareness of the symptoms of depression among them helps them to identify the different levels of depression, and with adequate knowledge, they may provide facilitative treatment processes that may be lifesaving (Townsend, 2012). Families should be able to identify symptoms such as insomnia, feelings of worthlessness, and suicidal thoughts and relate them with a depressed state of mind.

Also, they should encourage treatment by engaging the family member and explain the relevance of such a step. It would be necessary to point out that depression is a mental state, thus, the affected member should show the willingness to attend family therapy sessions (Townsend, 2012). Whenever families understand the risk of suicide, taking effective preventive measures becomes a matter of urgency. Providing support through the treatment process and offering other relevant forms of assistance contribute to effective ways that families may respond.

Without the necessary support frameworks from family members, depressed individuals are at a higher risk of committing suicide. Understanding some of its symptoms enables family members to respond appropriately, including seeking medical treatment. Support through encouraging attachment to religious groups helps to address some of the challenges faced by depressed individuals, thereby avoiding the possibility of suicide.