The fundamental viewpoint of racial discrimination is that people are likely to be grouped into various categories that are centered according to their behaviors, financial and political accomplishment of other people existing within some set of people. However, according to the several types of research that have been carried out on racism, the assumption turns out to be untrue as several differences exist between groups as compared to those that live between people. Racism is an act that typically affects individuals with color.
In the early 1990s, there was discrimination on the black people mainly in Canada, and the United States as the earliest black individual to get into Canada was Mathieu de Costa, an analyst to the Micmac state (Mudde, 2012). He strategically landed in the year 1608 and since then; racism has evolved and become a big issue within the North of America as black people were treated as slaves and typically owned by the white people. These slaves were subjected to violence, mistreatment, poverty, and malnutrition as these made their mode of living so hectic and full of threats. Consequently, the first slave to get into Canada was Oliver and this happened in the year 1628 when he was arrested at the age of seven and deported to Canada; thus, age was never a priority in slavery. These individuals were assigned various duties in the white people’s families where they were mistreated and treated horribly.

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In the recent societal setup, different people of color are still subjected to the act of racism and stereotypes; for instance, Chinese nationalists are viewed as smart, short, educated and yellowish which is typically a stereotype. Moreover, at the beginning of 1860, Chinese coolies were typically brought into Canada where they were to operate in the British Columbia since there were mines they would work on and also the Canadian Pacific Railway Consequently, after the riots that criticized the Chinese broke out in the year 1886, there was an implementation of Chinese head tax that controlled immigration from China (Michel & Peng, 2012). During the year 1907, one group known as anti-oriental riots typically situated in Vancouver had a target to the Chinese and Japanese-owned organizations and businesses.

Moreover, there was the formation of Asiatic exclusion league that drove the Japanese and Chinese out of the province as the act of racism contributed this and also led to many riots. During 1923, the federal government approved the Chinese immigration act strategically referred to as the Exclusion Act thus prohibiting most Chinese immigration. However, the act was repealed in early 1947 even though biasness preventing the non-European immigrants went on until 1968 when a point-based mechanism was incorporated to monitor immigrants without having to look into their origin. After all these acts of discrimination on the Chinese individuals, the Prime Minister Harper came out to offer an apology to the Chinese Canadians for the head tax and also expressed his deepest regrets for the Exclusion Act.

On a broader perspective, racism in the United States has for the longest time been a significant subject since the colonial period and the slave period; also, lawfully authorized racism resulted into a substantial weight to the local Americans, Latino Americans, African Americans, and the Asian Americans. However, the European Americans had a privilege through the laws that were concerned with immigration, literacy, land ownership, nationality, voting rights and illegal procedures over periods of time starting from the 18th century to the early 1960s. Several European racial groups more so the American Jews, Eastern European and Southern European immigrants, and the Irish Americans were affected by the xenophobic and other several forms of racism in the American society. Some of the majorly racially structured organizations comprised of slavery, Indian wars, segregation, and suburban schools typically for the Native Americans, and the captivity camps.

The formal ethnic biasness was considerably forbidden as from the mid-20th century and later came to be viewed as publicly unacceptable or ethically vile even though racial politics remains to be a significant incident (Smedley & Smedley, 2012). Past racism acts are still reflected in socio-economic inequality, and racial happenings always take place when it comes to employment, loaning, learning, and the government. As observed in a majority of countries, many individuals living in the United States still have some prejudices against other nationalists. As viewed by a group of scores of the United States national rights and human privileges institutions, “any form of biasness leads to all aspects of life in the United States and overlaps to all societies of color”.

However, some things have changed regarding racism as organizations, and various laws have been outlined that strategically address discrimination against, and different handling of, people of color. Some of these laws that safeguard human beings from any discrimination comprise of the charter of privileges and freedoms, civil rights legislation, and detestation laws. Even though it can be difficult to completely eradicate the amount of racial discrimination and biasness various citizens of color receive, a few enhancements are possible (Mudde, 2012). Moreover, the Ontario civil rights commission is an institution that typically commits to associate with different people who think like they have been subjected to discrimination about their skin, mode of living, family, and disability condition. The organization typically tries to lower down the degree of biasness various groups face and also tries to modify citizens. Despite these institutions trying to bring an end to the act of racism in America, some things have not altered; for example, racist feelings and racist remarks people still have in mind. Even though these might be harder to deal with, there still exist other optimistic advancements in race matters.

  • Michel, S., & Peng, I. (2012). All in the family? Migrants, nationhood, and care regimes in Asia and North America. Journal of European Social Policy, 22(4), 406-418.
  • Mudde, C. (2012). The relationship between immigration and nativism in Europe and North America. Washington, DC: Migration Policy Institute.
  • Smedley, A., & Smedley, B. D. (2012). Race in North America: Origin and evolution of a worldview. Westview Press.