The European Union is a squad comprising of about 28 members such as Wales, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The block was made to aid in facilitating international negotiation and trade. Since time immemorial the UK has always acted independently despite being a member of the EU. For instance, it has its currency the pound contrary to the other nations on the block that use the Euro. The United Kingdom has had a culture of preferring to have full control of its interest rates. And it is because of such reasons that recently led to some UK natives noting that EU had so many regulations and thought it worthwhile to fly solo. This act was termed as Brexit. Predicting the results of Brexit can be hard as no country has ever done such a thing.

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Leaving the EU partnership will result in an immediate cost saving for the UK, as there will be no more need of participating in the EU budget. And most definitely the financial advantages of being a member of the EU did not outweigh the upfront costs. Hence according to most Brexiters leaving the partnership will help Britain retain her resources. Although the UK will be risking losing the benefits it reaped from business transactions between world powers and EU, it will be independent in determining its trade treaties. With the above in mind citizens of UK were being lured into supporting the Brexit campaign.

Additionally, according to the EU policies, UK cannot deny people from the rest of member states from migrating into the country. Although Britons also enjoyed the same privileges of living and working elsewhere so long as it is within the EU borders, the result has been a drastic increment in immigrants in Britain. This pace of immigration has led to difficulties in service provision and housing and the only remedy to this tragedy is leaving EU partnership. Brexit will help Britain in regaining control over her borders.
Most Britons prefer exiting EU as it implies that they will be able to purchase what they desire from anywhere they want to. Cheap food can be imported outside the Common Agricultural Policy. Hence citizens in the UK can take advantage of proficient producers of butter, cereal among other food stuff, and make use of surpluses from across the world.

However for those UK citizens opposing Brexit and also most economists in the rest of the world might view this exit as economic shockwaves through global markets. Economically this act is opposed as it will negatively impact UK’s access to the global market. Britain is to undergo intense pressure in trying to negotiate deals with EU after the exit considering that Britain exports about 45% of its commodities to the EU while EU exports less than 10% to Britain. The UK will find itself between a hard surface, and a rock as EU will be harsh on her when it comes to trade treaties, threatening other nations in the partnership that might be intending to leave in future.

Moreover, in regards to immigration, Brexit will cause a decline in the cross-border business transactions. With fewer trade activities within the border, organizations will not be driven into enhancing their production through invention and investment. This will result in a drawback in the long term growth rate of the economy.

In conclusion, determining the real impact of Brexit on the economy remains to be a mystery as it is something unfamiliar. Moreover how the relationship between Britain and EU will be after the exit is unknown. It can be seen that although such an exit has never occurred, there are those who can see good that might come from it while others only see the bad outweighing the good of leaving the partnership.