Colonial America had three main colonies which were grouped into three; the Middle Colonies, the Southern Colonies, and New England. In addition to the three main colonies, there was an area known as the Backcountry which was mainly swampland where making a living was very difficult. Each of these colonies had differences in lifestyles, economic activities, religion, and government. New England comprised of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. He Southern Colonies, on the other hand, comprised of the Carolinas, Virginia, Maryland, and Georgia. Lastly, the Middle Colonies were made up of New Jersey, New York, Delaware, and Pennsylvania.

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In terms of economy, the New England economy was made up of small farms and the focus was made up of forestry, fishing, shipping, as well as, small industry. Agricultural activities were limited due to the fact that New England did not possess good soils. The Southern Colonies, on the other hand, were made up of expansive plantation farms in which tobacco and cotton were grown. Sugar, indigo, and rice were planted in farms in the Carolinas. Indentured servants worked on the farms in exchange for passage into America and land, after a few years of service. The conditions were inhumane and so many servants died before they got their passage and land. Later, slaves were used instead of the indentured servants. The Middle Colonies were comprised of medium-sized farms. There were people from diverse cultures in the colonies, who had different beliefs.

As far as religious practices go, New England was Congregationalist, while the Southern Colonies were largely Anglican. The Middle Colonies, owing to the diverse cultures and beliefs, had several different religious groups. Despite the differences, however, these colonies were all linked to the Atlantic Economy. Trade across the Atlantic Ocean featured merchants using ships in the tobacco, sugar, slaves, silver, gold, fish, spices, and lumber trade. Manufactured goods were also moved between the West Indies, America, Africa, and Europe; with Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Charleston being the largest and main city ports of the time.