Over the last several years, the American school system is failing younger generations. In many cases, they have below average test scores and high dropout rates. New mandates are putting more pressure on school administrators and teachers versus the student. This is because they want more accountability and transparency. In the last 40 years, the American school system has seen several variations of learning curriculum. When they are implemented, proponents will tout this as the way of the future. However, the reality is that it fails to address the root causes of the problem and has limited successes. Until recently, the school system has been unable to adopt a curriculum that truly works for the students. (Langley)

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In recent years, several new styles of teaching have evolved. The five Es is one avenue that is receiving the most attention. This is because it focuses on a number of areas to include: engage, explore, explain, elaborate and evaluate. Engaging is when the teacher is trying to make a connection with the student. This is where they can focus on the task at hand. Exploring helps the individual to look at new ideas with an open mind. Explaining is when the student can discuss what it means to them in their own words. Elaborating occurs with the person using these concepts to influence their behavior. Evaluating is when the teacher will analyze the student’s performance and work with them to address critical weaknesses. (“The 5 Es”)

These ideas are related to Daniel Pink by demonstrating how they can be applied to education. In this case, Pink’s strategy was originally designed for business, but has been adopted by the educational community. He believes that our learning is based on a reward system. If there are clear benefits, then everyone will strive to do their very best.

. The surprising truth about what motivates us requires connecting with the individual in ways they will never forget. This means simplifying everything for the student. In the article Teaching that Sticks, it has identified six factors which will have a positive influence (i.e. keeping it simple, unexpected, concrete, credible, emotional and story. Simple is keeping the concept very basic and easy to understand. Unexpected is ensuring the material is exciting and engaging. Concrete is focusing on the student’s comprehension and how it applies. Credible is giving them logical reasons for learning the material and how it will benefit them. Emotional is concentrating on the maturity and intellect of the student. This helps educators to respond to them in ways that are engaging. Stories are looking at why key ideas are important and they way it influences students. Each one of these areas is designed to make it easier for someone to learn. (“Drive”) (Langley)

All of these concepts are very resourceful and will be a great asset in my classroom. There are many ways these tools will impact how I connect with students. First, it helps them to remember and simplify the subject. Second, it encourages the students to explore what they are learning. Third, it makes an impact on the subject by making it easier to understand. This is when students will walk away from the lesson with the ability to remember key facts. The reward system is one avenue for motivating them to do more. In the long term, they will be responsive and attentive. This is when they will remember key ideas during the process. (“Drive”) (Langley)

Clearly, children are our future and should be nurtured for success. This means having an education system which is more responsive to them and their needs. Implementing these learning practices will set the students up for future successes by giving them a solid foundation. In many ways, this is the key to ensuring that they are prepared for the challenges they face in a world that is impacted by globalization. Those who have specialized skills, will be the ones who benefit. These practices will ensure that students have these tools to help them well into the future.