Employee training, employee development and human resource management are key components in an organized, efficient and well structured organization. An employer and employee is a symbiotic relationship, each depends upon the other, and if one fails the relationship fails, however with work and dedication from both the relationship is extremely successful.
Role of Training in Organization’s Development
Effective employee training assists the employee to learn not only about the job, but also the company’s mission, policies, benefits and the company culture. Completed in an effective manner the benefit to the company is a well-trained, efficient, and hopefully happy employee. Training often will begin with an employee manual, which is an excellent resource, is continually updated and so remains effective for future reference. Two training methods: the on-the-job training method which may include: job rotation, apprenticeship, or internship; and off-the-job training method which may include classroom lectures, multimedia learning, simulations, or vestibule training. (DeCenzo, et al, 2013). The method of training directly depends upon the type of job, for example if the position involves the use of very expensive equipment then simulation training would be most beneficial to the employee, however if it is a sales position then a combination of classroom lectures and job rotation training would be more effective, while some employees would benefit more from a combination of training methods. The organization benefits from a well trained employee, through increased efficiency which also benefits from financial savings in the company.

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Employee Development Methods & Their Benefits
Initially training is important, also essential is the on-going effectiveness of the employee, this is referred to as Employee Development Methods, and the goal is to progress an individual’s abilities. There are several methods and each offers it’s own benefits. Job rotation offers the opportunity for the employee to work in several areas to learn about the various jobs, the benefit is that the employee will understand the various jobs thus providing a better understanding of the activities of that section or department. In an Assistant-to position the employee would be assigned to a manager and be responsible for the duties in that area, essentially being groomed for a next level up position, and the benefit provided is learning from an experienced person before actually obtaining the job makes for a smooth transition. Committee assignment is when an employee has the opportunity to work with other employees on a joint matter, the benefit is working with different employees from various parts of the company, learning about the company and how others work. Lectures, courses and seminars, all offer the opportunity to learn and develop detailed skills and capabilities, that benefits both the company and the employee. Simulation offers complex training while prevent any serious issues, for example pilots are trained through simulation, learning without actually putting a plane at-risk, the benefit is both the cost of the equipment and that the training is received in a less stressful situation. And finally, Adventure training is an excellent way to bring employees together to work as a team, for example white water rafting, each person needs to work together in the boat to make it through the rapids, and the benefit is that people learn to work together and to be able to rely on each other.

Relationship between Employee and Organizational Development
The relationship between the employee and the organization is interconnected. Employee development focuses on the employee, whereas organisational development focuses on the company as a whole and that they are dependant upon each other. If the company needs to make a strategic change for its development then it can use any of the personal employee development methods (as described) to reach the goal of the organisation’s development. There are several types of change, for example, the Calm Waters metaphor where all is smooth sailing with the captain and the crew and the White-Water Rapids metaphor with each one working separately on the boat to try and get through the rapids (DeCenzo et al, 2013). Changes happen more rapidly now and companies circumstances often resemble the rapids situation, it is at this time that the Organisational Development comes in to change the company, and it does this by focusing on the Employee Development, to ensure it is effective there is the survey feedback form, both for the individualised training and the intergroup development.

Human Resource Management in Career Development
When a company assists an employee to develop their skills, their abilities and their knowledge, it is building a beneficial working relationship. The company provides goals, opportunities, assistance and time for the employee to learn, develop and not only become a more valuable employee but become a more valuable person. As a company invests in an employee the employee reinvests what they have back into the company, which if over time there are promotions and opportunities then a career is built with that company, however if opportunities are not there, then the career will be built outside the company.

Personal Career
My career is growing and has more opportunities because of Human Resources. Understanding how a company works, and learning about the various types of companies that have responsible and trustworthy missions and ideals all works to provide me with the knowledge to decide exactly how it will benefit my long term career goal. As my interests and goals become more defined it helps to define the future career that I want to achieve.

In 5 years I expect to be right in line with the plan I have regarding both my education and my career goals. If my education continues according to plan then I will have my career right on schedule.

The future company that I see myself working for will be the company who values it’s employees and continues to invest in employee training and education so that I may have a long term employment. A company that embraces EEO, and it shows not only in their mission statement but in the treatment of employees. A company who is serious about Organisational Development and provides opportunities, education, financial assistance and the time to be able to learn and develop into a valuable person, that they value as an employee, and if they do not have that strategic outlook, then I have the opportunity and knowledge to look for a company that does.

Employee training, development and human resource management are all important an organized, efficient and organized company. A good company and a good employee make a good working relationship, and an effective human resources will make it great.

  • DeCenzo, D. A., Robbins, S. P., & Verhulst, S. L. (2013) Fundamentals of Human Resource
    Management. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.