The pending case study involves a company that has started to register higher cases of theft lately. The analysis that was conducted to identify the root cause of the issue has linked the case study with the new pay policy that has just been implemented. Consequently, it is believed that the store managers were not involved in the decision making process for the new policies and chances are that they are essentially the primary cause of dissatisfaction amongst the workers of the company. It should be noted that despite the fact that there are ethical policies that guides the operational abilities of the workers in the company, they seem ineffective (Greenberg, 2008).
The new pay policy has violated the Equal Pay Act that covers all forms of payments including bonuses, salaries, stocks options, overtime payment, profit sharing and life insurance amongst other forms of payments (Greenberg, 2008). The policy has been violated because the new payment policy that was formulated with the intervention of the workers has compelled the workers to receive flat salaries for equal work loads as before. Besides that, it is not legally right to cut down the salary of the workers without their consent. Instead, discussion forums and meetings should be organized imminent to such decisions to ensure that efficiency is maintained.

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It is imperatively logical to state that the new pay policy is the one that is responsible for the increase in the level of theft cases in the company. All organizational decisions are crucial and should be discussed with the concerned stakeholders before implementation. From the pending case scenario, the store managers should have been involved in the restructuring of pay policies to ensure that the decision is received positively. Thus, I think the cases of theft have increased because the wages of the workers have been reduced without their concern. On the contrary, the theft could have been reduced by increasing overtime payments and changing the security chain of the company to pave way for transparency, professionalism and consequently high degree of competence (Greenberg, 2008).

The company should reinstate and emphasize on its underlying code of ethics time and again. Consequently, the fact that hardly any of the workers seem not to take great concerns about the codes of ethics that guides their operational duties means that the security personnel of the company should be held responsible. Besides that, the company should work on improving its securities including the allocation of security surveillance cameras to ensure that its stores are monitored accordingly. It is also imperatively logical to lounge and investigation to find out the root cause of the theft in the stores of the company (Greenberg, 2008).

In conclusion, it is imperatively evident that organizational policies and more so pay policies are crucial and consequently sensitive issues that should be addressed with utmost sensitivity and precision. More specifically, all the concerned stakeholders including workers themselves or their respective representatives should be involved to ensure that sustainability and productivity is maintained. Besides that, decision making should be made for the best interests of the workers because they are fundamentally the primary stakeholders of organizational success. Communication should also be alleviated to ensure that there is an open forum for company workers and other important personnel are free to share their dissatisfactions (Greenberg, 2008).

  • Greenberg, J. (2008). Organizational justice, ethics, and corporate social responsibility. Behaviour in Organizations.