To: The Vice President From: (Enter your name and department)
Dear Sir,

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I trust that you are doing well. I seek your attention regarding my credit transfer problem at California State University, Northridge. In the process of being admitted, I was reassured by the personnel in the Admissions and Records Department that the institution allows a student to do credit transfers from an undergraduate to a graduate program. Thus, as old by the Department, I took as many classes as I could on condition that they were not considered for my undergraduate classification. Besides, I maintained an overall GPA of 3.00. However, upon requesting to transfer the credits, I am told that there is no such policy in the institution. Thu, I would have to retake all the classes in my graduate program.

My Vice President, although I love this school so much, I am hopeless. I feel that I am demoralized and have wasted much time and resources in taking units that would finally be rejected by the university. From your experience, it is clear that you have a passion for helping individual students and groups of students to solve both simple and complex academic and professional issues. It is with that recognition that I seek your meeting so that I can explain all the facts regarding the matter and find the most appropriate way forward.

I took the classes with a high level of determination to excel and have an easy time when taking my graduate program. Thus, I seek your audience, and I would focus on letting you know my dilemma and whether you could allow the school of graduate studies to accept my credit transfers. I know that you fight for the interests of students in this institution.