1. Who were the candidates (identify by names) for governor in your state (identify your state) during the last general election (include full date)? Identify their political party affiliation. Who won the election?
A: The five candidates for the general election held on November 4, 2014, for governor in the great state of Texas were: Greg Abbott (Republican), Wendy Davis (Democratic), Kathie Glass (Libertarian), Brandon Parmer (Green) and Sarah M. Pavitt (Write-in). Greg Abbott is the person who won this election on November 4, 2014.
2. What were the gubernatorial candidates’ platforms? (Need to be specific and focus only on the gubernatorial candidates.)
A: Wendy Davis’ platform consisted of four issues: Education, Strong Texas Economy, Government Accountability and Veterans. Greg Abbott’s platform held ten issues, some were: End Obama Care, Protect the Second Amendment and Transparency in government. Kathie Glass’ platform had seven issues, a few were: Border security and immigration, End cronyism and Better education. Brandon Parmer ran on the Green Party’s six issue platform: Abortion, Education and Tax Reform. Sarah M. Privatt’s platform issues included: Legalizing marijuana, Legal right to be euthanized and supporting the Arts.
3. What was the state voter turnout in this election? Provide specific information (include statistical data (number of votes for each gubernatorial candidate). 
A: There were 4,718,268 voters who turned out for the Texas Gubernatorial race November 4, 2014. The statistical data breakdown by candidates were as follows: Greg Abbott: 59.3% = 2,796,547; Wendy Davis: 38.9% = 1,835,596; Kathie Glass: 1.41% = 66,543; Brandon Parmer: 0.39% = 18,520; Sarah M. Pavitt = 0.02% = 1,062.

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4. What are three specific ways to improve voter turnout in the future for your state?
A: 1. Make registration easier by allowing mail-in votes, eliminating physical, time and distance barriers, move registration deadline up to the day of the election and enforce Texas Election Code 13.046 – high school principals to register students twice a year.
2. Secure voting sites at community college campuses in Latino and African-American communities.
3. Speak to issues voters care about. For example, older people care about Medicare and Social Security while younger people are interested in student debt, education and scientific research. Millennials value social good as well as personal success.

5. What are three specific ways that citizens can get involved in politics in your state?
A: 1. Voters can volunteer to assist with any local, state or national campaigns.
2. Citizens can write to their local elected legislator concerning their issues.
3. People can join or form specific interest groups to pursue their preferred policy outcomes.