Elderly abuse has become a common norm in most of the households in recent years. Elderly abuse can take a variety of forms such as physically and sexually abusing the elderly, exploiting the elderly for self-personal gain as well as verbally and psychologically abusing the elderly. According to the National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA), elderly mistreatment is defined as the act that involves an adult who is at his or her elderly years that is aimed at harming or cause loss of personal property to the elderly intentionally (Burnett et al, 2014). The article examines elderly mistreatment and self-neglect by assessing various aspects that lead to the mistreatment such as gender and ethnicity. The article examines the effect of the use of construct validity and measurement invariance for the assessment of elder mistreatment and self-neglect.

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The assessment was based on information regarding the rising number of elderly mistreatments. This resulted in the testing of 7580 cases involving elderly mistreatment and self-neglect. The cases were tested using the Client Assessment and Risk Evaluation (CARE) tool. The assessment of construct validity was done by the use of confirmatory factor analysis and cross-validation techniques while measurement invariance assessed domain biases in different genders and racial ethnicities. It was concluded that the results obtained were inconclusive and further research was required.

In dealing with the elder abuse cases, strategies need to be formed at every level. As for the micro level, more care should be established when hiring caretakers for the elderly. Suggestions for backgrounds is an option to check the viability of any given candidate. As far as the mezzo level is concerned, community-based centres should be established for the sole purpose of offering a close examination and supervision of the elderly at the community level. For the macro level, a more national organization similar to NCEA should be established to monitor the situation from a wider coverage.