Samples "eCommerce" (Page 4)


Current BIS assessment of Costco

Costco Wholesale Corporation is a global but US-based company that deals in a wide range of products. The company’s business is done through e-commerce using the organization’s webs. The prime motive of the company is to aid small and medium business entities to spend less in buying products for resale....

401 words | 3 page(s)
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Consumer Behavior and E-Commerce

In “E-Commerce Boom Roils Trucking Industry,” published April 14, 2016, Betsy Morris of the Wall Street Journal details how e-commerce has altered consumer behavior. With American consumers doing a bulk of their shopping online now, the way people make purchases and how they make purchases is changing. The ripple effect...

669 words | 3 page(s)
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Recent trends in e-commerce and Mobile Web Design

The world has been subjected to tremendous technological innovations and developments over the recent years that have improved the quality of life (Ballenger, 2007). The recent trends in electronic commerce and mobile web design have proved that mobile e-commerce is growing at a faster rate than initially expected. Nonetheless, the...

848 words | 4 page(s)
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Velox App

Porter’s Five ForcesPorter’s Five Forces as you can see in Figure 1, is the idea of how a business operates in conjunction with competitors. This process is very well known and used frequently when bringing up new business ideas to see how they will work in the marketplace. This will...

852 words | 4 page(s)
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Uber: Knowledge Management and e-Commerce

AbstractUber is one of the latest advancement of technology in the transportation department. It uses and App, which can easily be downloaded from the Google Play store and installed in mobile phones and any other computer devises that uses an Android. Since its invention, the company has provided many employment...

1516 words | 6 page(s)
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