Samples "Drugs" (Page 6)


Correlations and Introspects Into Inherent Personality Traits and Substance Abuse Behaviors

IntroductionAlcohol and substance abuse represent one of the most significant public health problems. This problem affects every community, either directly or indirectly in some manner. According to a national survey, as of 2013, an estimated 24.6 million Americans had used an illicit drug in the previous month (NIDA, 2015). That...

726 words | 3 page(s)
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Gastrointestinal Drugs Assignment

What is three reasons that children who receive chemotherapy experience nausea and vomiting? When chemotherapy is introduced to a person’s immune system it creates a reaction that often causes nausea and vomiting. Within a child, their immune system and bodily systems are still developing thus making them even more likely...

869 words | 4 page(s)
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Cigarette Smoke: A Deadly Attack on the Larynx:

The overall health dangers of smoking cigarettes have been well publicized. Everything from the heart, to the lungs, to diseases such as diabetes, pancreatic cancer and dozens of other ailments milder and more severe have been traced to the habit. One particularly disturbing and outwardly destructive is the effect of...

417 words | 3 page(s)
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Electronic Cigarettes and Physical Activity

A 2015 article in the Journal of Public Health, addressed the efficacy and effects of electronic cigarettes (aka “E-cigs”), and essentially concludes that while E-cigs may lead to cessation or abatement of smoking behaviors, there is insufficient evidence with respect to long term chronic use of E-cigs and any attendant...

291 words | 3 page(s)
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Heroin Evaluation

1. I would seek to inform Shakyeela’s parents about what happened and about possible future treatment options. Shakyeela has established that she is uninterested in treatment, so leaning on her parents to get her to consider the issue is the most effective way to get her the help she needs....

408 words | 3 page(s)
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