I believe that C.G. Jung’s theory of dreams is most correct. Jung’s theory of dreams is quite popular, which indicates many individuals also believe that this theory is likely to be the correct one. He based his theory of the dream theory of Freud. Freud believed that dreams merely represented an unfilled wish or desire. Jung recognized that dreams were important to the mind; however, he believed that the Freudian theory of dream analysis was too simplistic in its idea. In his theory, Jung believed that the images that we see during our dreams are clues to the unconscious mind. The unconscious or subconscious mind is hidden from our view.

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However, despite it being hidden, it plays a significant role on our daily lives, including our consciousness. Therefore, we must try to merge the consciousness with the subconsciousness. Jung believed this was possible with dream analysis. He believed that different images in the dreams represent different parts of the subconscious mind that are actively trying to break through into the consciousness. The dream imagery represents the current struggles within the subconscious mind. If we try to understand what they mean and what they represent, we can help our subconscious mind break free into consciousness. This will help the individual integrate the two parts of the mid and live a more productive and healthy life.

Jung believed that dreams may be interpreted objectively or subjectively. In an objective analysis, a figure in the dream represents the person in real life. For instance, if a person dreams of his or her mother, this is representative of the mother in real life. However, he also believed that dreams could be interpreted subjectively. In this instance, the mother in the dream represents another figure in the person’s waking life.

I do remember many of my dreams. Some nights, I do not remember any of them. I have noted that if I wake up and write down what I remember from my dreams, they are more likely to stay with me during the day. I believe in the Jungian theory of dreams because I have recognized that, upon closer examination, many of them do correspond to problems or difficulties in my waking life. For instance, there was a time when I kept having dreams that involved tornadoes. After multiple dreams that involved tornadoes, I realized that my unconscious mind was trying to tell me something. I looked up the imagery and it indicated that tornadoes represent a period of struggle and turbulence in the person’s life. This was accurate at this point in my life. I was struggling with some significant life events that created emotional turbulence for me. Once I realized what the dreams meant, I also realized that I was trying to not deal with the issues. I began to spend more time thinking, reflecting and meditating on the issues in my life. While the outside problems did not disappear immediately, as they were out of my control, my internal response improved. As such, the tornado dreams stopped occurring for me. I recognized that my subconscious mind needed me to deal with the internal manifestations of the outside problems in my life. I could not control what was happening to me; however, I could control the response. My mind and psyche needed me to do this.