A brilliant documentary Sicko, directed by Michael Moore, provides a harsh critic of the American healthcare. Being based on personal stories, told by ordinary Americans, the film demonstrates how many people do not have an access to medical care at all. The services are so expensive that people do not...
According to the documentary Declassified: The Mao Zedong Years the outlook of General Secretary Mao Zedong was fundamentally different with the rest of the leadership in the Chinese Communist Party. Mao struggled against people who were much more pragmatic than him, but who did not have such an extreme vision...
In Russell Brand’s documentary From Addiction to Recovery, Brand speaks to a host of people from addicts, to counselors, to law enforcement to unravel the mystery of how to best help addicts. Along the way, he takes the viewer on a journey of the seedier side of life. For most...
Cowspiracy is an expository documentary released in 2014 that raises an environmental dimension of the food consumption. It investigates the leading cause of environmental degradation in our society today, animal agriculture through the lens of the food consumption. In addition to that, the documentary reviews the global warming, water use,...
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