Diversity resource groups have a central position within all business organizations in today’s business culture. Effective company planning requires and will be enriched by inclusive measures to welcome all diversities within society for optimum representation of every sector of society.

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Resource groups are an integral aspect of planning in every company, so it is essential that company planners know every aspect of good diversity resource group planning. Organization leaders will have optimum success in this important planning process by familiarizing themselves with some of the basics. One way to learn more about diversity resource group planning is to study some successful companies who have regularly included diversity resource groups in their company philosophy.

Numerous examples of companies who have successfully endorsed their groups can be found on the internet, and some of the best are in the areas of customer-oriented health services who serve all sectors of the public. For example, an online search of Aetna.com using the search term, “diversity resource groups” brings excellent results (https://www.aetna.com/about-us/diversity-inclusion/employee-resource-groups-profiles.html). Aetna has a wide variety of resources for over 15 different groups, each one representative of a differing segment of their customer and employee base.

As one of the largest health insurance companies in America, one can only surmise the millions of diverse people who are served by Aetna whenever they have a health insurance claim or other health-related needs. It is important that Aetna’s employees are also served well, as they will be meeting with the public as representatives. Insurance agents will need to feel confident in sharing interests, hobbies, and also work-related issues within their groups, and in this positive atmosphere will excel in their careers at Aetna. This company clearly outlines their company aspirations in relation to their many diversity resource groups—15 in all—and their approach may offer several good suggestions to follow when forming a group within smaller organizations.

The most efficient way to form diversity resource groups is to actively recruit a wide variety of people from various cultural and demographic backgrounds in order to establish an active personnel base in the company. Diversity in business means that there will be equal representation of people from all sectors of society, and especially that they will also have an active voice in the organization. In order for this objective to be successfully achieved, the human resource department and employment practices should include hiring a wide range of qualified people from every area of diversity. These employment choices will then form the basis for a wide variety of people to form diversity resource groups together.

One of the most important steps in forming a diversity resource group is in the planning, or assessment, phase. In the assessment phase, planners will need to focus on such factors as: demographic, marketing strategies, leadership within the organization, and a high level of cultural cohesiveness among its members—a factor that may determine the success of the group. This means that group leaders will enhance success if they are chosen from the representative group. These issues need to be decided upon during the planning stages of development. This is also the time for planners to ensure that executive members of the company are on-board with the plan to form a resource group. Although these preliminary measures in planning do take extra time and energy, for the overall longevity of the program they are important for long-term success. As many studies have shown, the assessment phase of planning a diversity resource group is one of the most significant steps to realization and success within the company.