Tesla belongs to one of the leaders in the technology, both in terms of the organizational development and the adoption of practices of collaboration. Tesla is primarily considered a leader in the product design, as the goods produced by Tesla reach a lot of public attention around the world.

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Tesla is one of the leaders in the market in many regards. A lot of aspects relatd to the Tesla strategy were not unveiled to the wider circles. According to the publicly available information of the Tesla strategy, ‘innovations like Tesla’s resemble icebergs.’ (Anderson, 2018). As for the collaboration model, Tesla strongly relies on the progressive engagement. From the strategic perspective, this model entails active communication with those who are communicating with one another multiple times.

For the organizational benefit, this model helps everyone save the valuable time and not to lose with frustration. (Greenwald, 2018). In the context of Tesla, the identified model of collaboration helps the company in achieving the long-term milestones, build the continuous relations with their customers and remain a leader in the technological domain. The progressive engagement as the type of engagement serves one of the most effective ways for saving the time and resources with respect to the general objectives of the company.

The identified mode of collaboration helps having an unimpeded communication with the customers of Tesla as well as remain faithful to the organization’s mission and vision. The mode of collaboration did not create any additional obstacles as it only required building the connection between the customers and the company, without additional stakeholders interfering into the process. (Rowland, 2018)The risk of such type of collaboration is the potential loss of customer who may be interested in purchasing a Tesla car, while the evident benefit would be the eradication of frustration among the interested parties.