Culture is learned whereas human nature is inherited. Different cultures exist across the globe and they vary based of their experiences, values, and preferences. In the case herein, cultural dimensions are identified as globally applicable and cuts across different aspects of life, that encompass orientation, individualism, uncertainty avoidance among many other spectrums. The world comprises of different cultures with differences in the way of doing business, running organizations, and families.

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The diversity that is witnessed across cultures brings about challenges within communities and the practice of understanding and accepting cultures is being initiated amongst different communities to ensure understanding and respect between them. The United States for example, has housed distinct cultures across the globe, and it the top nation that experiences the greatest diversity and civilization. Other nations, for instance, those in the European region are following suit with accepting more individuals from regions such as Africa, and this is enriching the region with different cultures with different views on business practices, sexuality, and diverse from individualism.

Different countries all over the world have the ways in which they conduct business and as such for international business to be successful for any firm or organization, it is paramount that the business representatives, learn the different cultures of conducting business. Understanding the cultural differences and the similarities is, therefore, essential as these mishaps may be the result of success or failure when it comes to the business scope. Culture can be said to be a connection of different values of the different communities, which exist, and these values are connected. This paper will discuss the various cultural dimensions which are essential in conducting business on the international platform.

This is the different layers of leadership in an organization in the sense that there is a difference of power between the leaders or managers in the top tier of the organization and the subordinates in the middle and lower levels of an organization. There are cultures, which have very high-power distances, and here the decisions are centralized to the managers and the top officials of the organization (Caganova, Cambal & Luptakova, 2015). In such arrangements, the employees or the followers have very little say and they feel less involved in the company’s development. However, on the other hand, the lower power distance organizations have their employees more involved in the decision-making capacity of the organization. Understanding these boundaries is essential for the business negotiations of different organizations.

Some of the cultures have strong affiliation to individualism where their individual interests come first before the rest of the people or the organizations sake. However, in contrast to individualism, there is collectivism where the group is more important than individualistic needs. However, in cultures where individualism is practiced, the needs of the individual are key and their family needs are the most essential and as such, they have weak links to other individuals. However, in cultures where collectivism is practiced, there is high cohesions among groups and decisions are made for the sake of the entire group and in organizations, then the whole agenda would be to ensure that all the stakeholders are considered (Johnson, Lenartowicz & Apud, 2006). As such, the goals ensure that the whole company benefits as compared to the individualistic cultures which are loosely connected. Examples of cultures which are individualistic when it comes to business negotiations are the united states. This is the reason the first information for business meeting needed is what the individual does as compared to what they can offer to the group.

Different cultures are socialized differently when it comes to the roles which the male and the female can play in the light of business organizations and negotiations. The cultures which place high value on masculinity emphasize that there is competitiveness and their business dealings are assertive as compared to feminist cultures which have business negotiations which bend towards the caring and softer side of doing business (Ferraro & Briody, 2017). Organizations which are feminine do business differently as compared to organizations that are masculine or place value on tenets like competitiveness and assertion.

Some cultures like to develop long-term relationships when doing business or when entering business contracts. An example of such cultures are the Chinese and their way of doing business is that they like to take time and have connections and teach each other before making the deal and signing the contracts (Peleckis, 2013). They value relations rather than just contracts and the end results rather than the short term oriented cultures which value quick deals and quick responses instead of creating along lasting relationship. In the United States, they have the tendency to short-term orientations and they do not even value face time and can-do business over the internet and the contracts are done without even having met the other person but this would only bear long-term deals.

People in certain culture may feel threatened of they have no specifically set certainties like adherence to rules in the workplace. Employees may be motivated for instance by how their organizations handle the way business is conducted. Organizations which value certainty will have employees planning their schedules and having a set of rules which governed their agendas (Leung, et al, 2005). On the other hand, some cultures have specified rules and values which guide the norm of how business is conducted.

The ways of conducting business can determine how successful an organization is and as such, the values of each country or organization matter and the way they handle other people as well is also important. Examples of cultures which are individualistic when it comes to business negotiations are the united states and this the reason the first information for business meeting needed is what the individual does as compared to what they can offer to the group. If organizations respect each other and the cultures, then they will succeed on the global platform.