Ajmal, M., & Elshinawy, M. I. (2014). Subjective image quality comparison between two digital dental radiographic systems and conventional dental film. The Saudi Dental Journal, 26(4), 145-150. doi:10.1016/j.sdentj.2014.05.007

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According to Ajmal and Elshinawy (2014), digital radiography is an important part of dentistry in the contemporary times. The authors state that digital radiography makes an instant image without the need for dark rooms and tends to minimize the doses of x-ray. Ajmal and Elshinawy (2014) mentioned that there are about 15 companies that now make digital systems for both panoramic and dental imaging. The study conducted by the authors aimed at making a comparison between qualities of the image produced by two digital radiographic systems with the conventional dental film. Statistical analysis was used show the disparities between the quality of images produced by the two systems (Ajmal & Elshinawy, 2014). Digital system is associated with advantages such as reduced amount radiation, dark rooms are not required, easy manipulation of images and real-time images are produced. Results of the study showed that dental x-ray films produced by conventional radiography were of high quality than those produced by the digital systems. Ajmal and Elshinawy (2014) concluded that the quality of the image produced by the conventional film was better and showed a statistical significance in all areas of comparison. The authors also stated that conventional film is the best when diagnosing diseases that affect the jawbone.

Maryam, E., Ali, M., Ehsan, M., Sajad, Y., Soraya, K., & Farida, A. (2013). A comparison between conventional and digital radiography in root canal working length determination. Indian Journal of Dental Research, 24(2), 229. doi:10.4103/0970-9290.116693

Maryam et al (2013) conducted a study that aimed to make a comparison between digital and conventional radiography when it’s applied on examining the length of the root canal. The authors stated that getting the right working length is the most important aspect of effective treatment of the root canal. When cleaning and filling the canal, it is important the right length is measured and canal radiography has been proven to be the best method for getting the measurement. In the study conducted, the researchers found that there was a high rate of agreement in the acquired measurements of the working length between the digital and conventional radiography (Maryam et al, 2013).However, in measuring the working length, it was found that there was no significant difference between conventional and digital radiography. According to Maryam et al (2013), a number of factors play an important role in the effective measuring of the working length including the exposure time, the time taken for processing and the direction of radiation among others. The findings by the researchers were related to other studies conducted by other researchers (Maryam et al, 2013). Additionally, the authors stated that conventional methods were commonly used because of the cheap price, increased accessibility whereby they are available in most places and they are easy to use. However, Maryam et al (2013) concluded that digital radiography is mostly recommended because of some priorities such as reduced time of exposure and the ability to change the color and size of the image as well as no requirement for the darker rooms. Maryam et al (2013) also concluded that when it comes to measuring the working length, the digital radiography is similar to conventional radiography. However, they recommended that digital radiography can be used because of its advantages.

OZCETE, E., BOYDAK, B., ERSEL, M., KIYAN, S., UZ, I., & CEVRIM, O. (2015). Comparison of Conventional Radiography and Digital Computerized Radiography in Patients Presenting to Emergency Department. Turkish Journal of Emergency Medicine, 15(1), 8-12. doi:10.5505/1304.7361.2014.90922

The main aim of the study was to make a comparison on the differences between conventional radiography and digital radiography in patients who are presented to the emergency department. Patients who required chest radiography in the emergency department were enrolled in the study. Factors such as time for interpretation, the cost of radiograms and evaluation time were examined (OZCETE et al, 2015). Based on the results acquired, disparities were observed between conventional radiography and digital radiography based on location unit, examination time and the quality of examination among other factors. OZCETE et al (2015) also mentioned advantages associated with digital radiography including higher resolution and electronic recording of the images and not need re-acquisition of the image.

OZCETE et al (2015) also stated that interpretation time for digital radiography is increased by the need for the interpreting the digital radiograms which are done through terminals in the emergency department which requires the patient to be left. The author recommended that interpretation of the digital radiograms can be done with the help of a mobile device that would reduce the hardship experienced (OZCETE et al, 2015). Additionally, the authors view on digital radiography is that it is cost-effective compared to the conventional radiography for the emergency departments even though the initial cost of setting up the digital radiography is high. The cost-effectiveness of the digital radiography is long-term in this case (OZCETE et al, 2015).

Tofangchiha, M., Bakhshi, M., Fakhar, H. B., & Panjnoush, M. (2011). Conventional and digital radiography in vertical root fracture diagnosis: a comparison study. Dental Traumatology, 27(2), 143-146. doi:10.1111/j.1600-9657.2010.00973.x

Tofangchiha, Bakhshi, Fakhar, and Panjnoush (2011) state that vertical root fractures can only be identified by radiography. The authors add that recently film-based radiography has been replaced by digital dental radiography.

Additionally, the authors claimed that one of the major issues experienced in dental clinics is vertical root fracture. Direct digital systems are now popular in medical occupations because of the high level of convenience. The main aim of the study was to make a comparison between the accuracy as well as the reliability of charge couple device-based direct digital radiography with conventional radiography in the diagnosis of vertical root fractures (Tofangchiha, Bakhshi, Fakhar, and Panjnoush, 2011). A total of 230 single-rooted human teeth that had been removed were included in the study where vertical root fractures were done on 115 teeth. All the techniques used in the study were measured in terms of sensitivity and accuracy. In the results acquired, the accuracy of conventional radiography was 65% and that of direct digital radiography was 70%. Conventional radiography has a sensitivity of 60% and direct digital radiography had 61% on the same. Direct digital radiography has a specificity of 78% and conventional radiography had a percentage of 70 on the same element. It was concluded that there was no significant disparity between the two techniques (Tofangchiha, Bakhshi, Fakhar, and Panjnoush, 2011).

From the studies conducted by different researchers, it is evident that radiography is being applied in different sections of the health care departments including dental services and the emergency departments. Both digital and conventional radiography help the healthcare providers provide efficient services to the patients in order to ensure improved health.

Digital radiography is more favored than conventional radiography for a number of reasons. I prefer digital radiography due to its high-quality image production. Additionally, digital radiography does not require dark rooms which make it more convenient compared to conventional radiography.

  • Ajmal, M., & Elshinawy, M. I. (2014). Subjective image quality comparison between two digital dental radiographic systems and conventional dental film. The Saudi Dental Journal, 26(4), 145-150. doi:10.1016/j.sdentj.2014.05.007
  • Maryam, E., Ali, M., Ehsan, M., Sajad, Y., Soraya, K., & Farida, A. (2013). A comparison between conventional and digital radiography in root canal working length determination. Indian Journal of Dental Research, 24(2), 229. doi:10.4103/0970-9290.116693
  • OZCETE, E., BOYDAK, B., ERSEL, M., KIYAN, S., UZ, I., & CEVRIM, O. (2015). Comparison of Conventional Radiography and Digital Computerized Radiography in Patients Presenting to Emergency Department. Turkish Journal of Emergency Medicine, 15(1), 8-12. doi:10.5505/1304.7361.2014.90922
  • Tofangchiha, M., Bakhshi, M., Fakhar, H. B., & Panjnoush, M. (2011). Conventional and digital radiography in vertical root fracture diagnosis: a comparison study. Dental Traumatology, 27(2), 143-146. doi:10.1111/j.1600-9657.2010.00973.x