Digital pedagogy is the use of electronic technology to improve or change classroom learning (Howell, 2012). Examples of new technologies that have impacted the learning environment are electronic tablets with touch screens, podcasts, video-learning, PowerPoint, and computer workstations with internet access. Digital pedagogy is growing with importance in our society because the mission of the education system is to prepare today’s youth for the future. The mission includes giving students applicable experience that will translate to successful employment. Educators now have a responsibility to implement new technologies in the classroom to facilitate quality learning.

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Educational environments are impacted by the policies adopted by governing bodies. The use of Digital pedagogy is a reflection of national trends, cultural norms, and sentiments towards technology and education (Howell, 2012). Our society currently lives in a digital age where technology transforms quickly. The students of today process information and learn very differently through technologies. Research has shown that learners of today process information more quickly and think about graphics first and text second (Prensky, 2001). Yesterday’s learners used written text as the fundamental learning tool and now learners are exposed to digital technologies before attending Kindergarten. Prensky (2001) realized that the student’s brains of today are fundamentally different than their predecessors due to extensive and intense exposure to digital technology – The difference may be so significant that the brain not only processes information differently, but it may be physically altered by technology.

Children are using new technologies for entertainment and learning before entering the education system. According to the National Association for the Education of Young Children (2012) digital technologies can be implemented during infancy. As a result of this social movement, digital pedagogy is now inherent to the education system and the learning environment. Educators now have the responsibility to understand digital pedagogy and consider how technologies can improve the education system.

  • Howell, J. (2012a). Teaching with ICT. Ch.1. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
  • Howell, J. (2012b). Teaching with ICT, Ch. 3. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
  • National Association for the Education of Young Children. (2012). “Selected Examples of Effective Classroom Practice Involving Technology Tools and Interactive Media.” Retrieved on September 4, 2013 from, PS_technology_Examples.pdf
  • Prensky, M. (2001). “Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants”. On the horizon. 9(5). NCB University Press.