From Ms. G’s clinical manifestations immediate and appropriate recommendations should be given to her to help her situation. She should elevate her leg, apply ice, and maintain an acceptable blood sugar level. Contrary to that, acetaminophen should help relieve her pain. She should also be supplemented with antibiotics as well as being given some nutritional advice. Furthermore, she should make some medical follow-ups with her endocrinologist to monitor her diabetic status. Her primary doctor should ascertain the progress of her wound and illness. In addition to that, she should take all the necessary precautions to prevent worsening of her wounds. Finally, she should carry out slight body exercises and invite a caregiver to help take care of her (Cellulitis cure & treatment. 2015).
The clinical manifestations suggest that the patient did not seek early medication for her condition. Therefore, aggressive antibiotic will be recommendable to fight the staph infection, not forgetting regular cleaning. The affected muscles lie between her knee and the ankle. Contrary to that, the subjective data will enable the doctor to assess her future. The patient should then be given advice on the need for further education to enlighten her on preventive care measures. She should understand that diabetic is highly susceptible to skin infections. In addition to that, she should maintain daily cleaning efforts as well as making use of heating pads for temperature maintenance (Nova Science, 2015)

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Ms. G’s clinical manifestations suggest that she should elevate her left leg. Furthermore, antibiotics will help her manage and treat cellulitis infection. Contrary to that, pain medication will help her relieve her pain. The muscles that have been affected in her leg include the muscles of the lower leg. Subjective and objective data will help the physician to provide her with the required educational and medicinal needs. Ms. G should also be referred to an endocrinologist to help manage her diabetic. Furthermore, she should assess her skin as well as cleaning her wound on a frequent basis. In addition to that, she should be educated on matters pertaining to her health, precautionary measures and diabetic as a whole (Diabetic, 2012).

From the clinical manifestations of Ms. G, the recommended treatment include; IV fluids, IV antibiotics, pain management, daily and PRN dressing changes, monitoring labs and vital signs, incision drainage, and continual education. In retrospect to the clinical manifestations, both muscles and tendons are likely to be affected. The subjective and objective data acquired will offer a platform for medical test and educational measures. Apart from that, the factors that may delay wound healing should be controlled. Exercise on any muscle will potentially create muscle atrophy. Finally, Ms. G should seek nutritional counseling for advice on the appropriate food substances for her condition (Reddy & Cottrill, 2011).

Clinical manifestations, in this case, suggest that the infection should be treated to reduce the possibility of spreading to the inner tissues. In addition to that, the subjective and objective data will be used to establish proper diagnosis and treatment. Glucose should be controlled to prevent amputation and non-healing of wounds. Furthermore, the nutritional advisers should advise on the need for increasing protein supplement. New signs of infection should also be taught. Apart from that, patients should be supplemented along with weight loss programs. A positive response to medication procedures will portray that the patient is capable of managing the medical condition at the stance, thus enlightening caregivers on further steps (Campbell & Rubin, 2012).

Ms. G’s diabetic is uncontrolled; she is obese, and also suffers from neuropathy. Due to lack of caregiver, she should be treated as an inpatient. In addition to that, she should control her blood sugar level. Gathering of medical data ensures that appropriate care is given. Additionally, the data, both objective and subjective are used for diagnosis and treatment measures. To enhance the healing of her wounds, Ms. G should make sure that her food is nutrient dense diabetic diet. Furthermore, her blood sugar level should be monitored and maintained to prevent future complications. Finally, she should deploy glycemic control to promote the healing of wounds, bearing in mind a high degree of hygiene (Penniston, 2014).

  • Campbell, L., & Rubin, A. (2012). Type 2 Diabetes For Dummies (3rd ed.). Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Cellulitis cure & treatment. (2015). Lexington, KY: [s.n.].
  • Diabetic, D. (2012). Poking fun at diabetes humorous book for diabetics. Place of publication not identified: Dee Dee Diabetic.
  • Penniston, K. (2014). Nutritional Management of Hyperoxaluria. Pocket Guide to Kidney Stone Prevention, 63-72.
  • Reddy, M., & Cottrill, R. (2011). Healing wounds, healthy skin a practical guide for patients with chronic wounds. New Haven [Conn.: Yale University Press.
  • Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative staph ylococci: Virulence, antimicrobial resistance and. (2014). Place of publication not identified: Nova Science.