What is happiness? This is a question that elicits different answers from different people at any given time. Formally though, it can be defined simply as a positive feeling or emotion of contentment or joy brought about by the good things in life. Many people will bear out to the fact that they love being happy; however, is there a formula of being happy? What makes humans happy? Can they distinguish pleasure and happiness? These are some of the thought-provoking with regards to the subject of happiness.
Traditionally, happiness is considered elusive and an evanescent feeling that when we try to achieve only turns out to be the most exercise in futility. Nonetheless, after several years of research, social scientists seem to have figured out the formula to this elusive feeling of contentment in human beings. According to them, happiness is all about the events, the genes, and values that people have in their lives.

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Starting with the genes, scientists from the University of Minnesota indicate that people inherit about 48% of happiness. This means that the other half of happiness should come from somewhere else. It should be observed that one-off events such as getting a dream job could make us happy but the happiness is normally short-lived. Where then does lasting happiness come from? The big events in life account for about 40% of happiness as scientists reveal. That leaves about 12% happiness unaccounted for. This, as indicated by researchers, is the percentage within our control. In this percentage, the pursuit of values of work, family, faith, and community are hugely influential in long lasting happiness. Family, faith and friendships are very important aspects of life in which joy can be found each day. Spiritual journeys, rich family lives, as well as community ties greatly influence long lasting happiness. It is quite different for work but when a person finds the right conditions at work, it also contributes greatly to happiness.

It is all laid out; next time you feel unhappy, it probably has to do with your faith, your work, friendships, or your job. Take time to think about it and correct the things that hinder your happiness. Happy people live longer.