My positionYou are a senior student with an excellent GPA, working on a highly important chemistry project. It is a group project and the teacher has assigned all students to work in groups of four. You have been put in a group with three other students whom you do not know very well. Two of the students are hardworking, yet the third student, Tom, lags behind in his grades and attendance for all of his classes.

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Each of the students has to do one of the four project parts. Tom is assigned to one of the parts, yet you are afraid that he will not do his work. Your fear turns out to be credible. Tom does not come to the final group meeting (four days before the project presentation). He does not pick up his phone. As the project group leader, you are left with a choice: to do his part for him, or tell the teacher about this situation. On the one hand, you do not want to tell on him. On the other hand, you feel angry about what he has done and want to get equal.

Second party: Tom
You are a senior student with an extremely low GPA. In fact, you are not sure whether you will graduate this year. However, you are optimistic. In chemistry class, you are assigned with three other students to do a group work project. One of the parts is assigned to you, but you really do not have the necessary skills, knowledge, or desire to work on it. You are absolutely out of your depth on this.

On the night before the final group meeting, when all the project parts are to be assembled, you finally sit down to work on the chemistry project. After half an hour of feeble attempts, you turn on the PlayStation and play video games until bedtime. The next morning, you decide to skip the group meeting in order to avoid conflict with the other group members. You hope that the other students finish up your part for you.