The society today comprises of multiple institutions that rely on accurate records to carry out their respective functionalities. The efficacy and legitimacy of the operations administered in hospitals and schools are based on how efficient they acquire, store and access client records. Before the information age, this was quite intensive as it entailed manual storage and analysis of client records. This undermined the optimality of social institutions in the past since the procedures were time-consuming and highly subjective. Health practitioners had to physically go through written records of respective clients before carrying out any treatment.

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However, the introduction of database management systems has facilitated major social advancements that have led to improved standards of living.
Database management systems (DBMS) refers to computerized applications that enhance interaction with users through electronic acquisition and management of data. The innovative approach basically provides a computerized platform where users can easily access required data and manipulate stored records in order to limit data redundancy and enhance data integrity. The data is structured as bits, numbers or strings that enable users to analyze them at different abstraction levels. Later they are segmented into three basic schemas including Physical, conceptual and external schemas. These architectures enable users to acknowledge how data is stored and acquire tabulated records based on the needs of a respective category of users.

Although adaptation of DBMS led to significant loss of jobs due to decreased physical work, it facilitated more efficient functions from an array of social institutions. Moreover, DBMS have subsequently led to the emergence of complimentary job opportunities that are less subjective. For instance, due to DBMS, various individuals in the society are assigned to normalize data in respective institutions. Data normalization refers to restructuring the formation of stored data in order to foster easy access for users. Through data normalization, users are able to acquire the most relevant data.