DATAMARK is a data capturing technology and its Enterprise Content Management solution has recognition technologies to capture data, reducing the need for manual data entry. Founded in 1989 and headquartered in El Paso, Texas, DATAMARK’s services use several character recognition methods such as for optical characters, optical marks, intelligent characters,...
The reasons for implementing a digitization project (to be more precise, a digital conversion of physical documents) are varied and may overlap. A digitization project may be undertaken, for instance, to increase public access to documents. This is the most obvious reason and constitutes the main purpose of such a...
SPSS is a “predictive analytics software” that allows its users to analyze statistical data in order to make informed decisions regarding gathered information (SPSS Software, 2014). The information may be used to answer specific questions regarding the statistical breakdown of data, among other things. In order to indicate a knowledge...
The essential elements for developing an effective and reliable qualitative research plan will be based, in-part on the ability of the principal investigator to incorporate effective processes for collecting and managing data, within the plan. During the data collection process, elements of bias attributable to the particular collection method should...
This research design uses a mixed method approach. Both quantitative and qualitative data will be collected. The mixed method approach has been often used in recent research works on HR management, banking, etc. It enables researchers to use a few methods of research and several sources of data for the...
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