Visualization, analysis and documentation of motion sequences have become a vital part of organizations especially for those in the sports business. To aid this and make work much easier, the Dartfish software comes into play. The software is bi dimensional video analysis software that allows for biomechanical observation, and quantitative measure of angle, distance, position and time. The need for visual feedback in any kind of sport is quite important and that is why Dartfish has been adopted by users in different sport fields. However, this does not mean that the software is used only in sports. While its roots are in sports, the software has its wings spread in other fields such as medicine and psychology. This is made possible through a combination of statistical, technical and tactical analysis backed up by apps and tools that ensure the software runs smoothly. The software is not only revolutionary but also mind blowing.

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Dartfish software works in two major ways which are analyzing performances and comparing them. After analyzing performances, the data collected can then be analyzed in a more complex way which is through comparing performances using multiple clips. In the analysis stage, certain tools are required to make it done and done in the right way. One tool is the analyzer workspace. The analyzer workspace is made up of drawing tools, play controls, timeline, video screen, storyboard and notes. With these tools, one is able to display the clip, control video playback, draw on the video as well as alter the display on the screen. This workspace is very important as it provides the foundation for providing tactical and technical analysis. Assuming that we are analyzing a tennis stroke, the analyzer workspace will at this stage highlight things such as body positioning of the athlete when taking the strike.

The storyboard on the other hand provides a platform from to incorporate multiple items for analyses. With this tool, analysis can be done from different angles and positions which can be later on re-opened for modification or published to be used by different people. However, in order to have an analysis on the storyboard one will have to first upload a clip either multiple ones placed in a single analysis or multiple ones placed in a fresh analysis. The loaded clip is then controllable at the discretion of the user. This includes pausing, playing and skipping. It is advisable to use high definition clips if possible for purposes of clarity and accuracy when doing the analysis. Once the clip is uploaded, it can be stored in a folder ready for analysis. If multiple clips were uploaded for a single analysis, they can also be saved in a single folder.

Once you have the images or clips saved, it is now possible to analyze performance using different tools at disposal on Dartfish. First up are the drawing tools. With these tools, one is able to highlight key details in the image/clip such as positioning. Also available is the key positions tool. With this tool, one is able to break down even the most complex of movements and highlight its key areas. These key areas can then be analyzed separately. This tool is quite advantageous in a number of sports including soccer. An example is when taking a free kick, body positioning and movement towards kicking the ball can be analyzed using the key positions tool. Also available are tools capable of transforming images. They come with features such as zooming and flipping. In the event of analysis, making notes is quite important and that is why the software comes with an option of adding comments.

The aforementioned tools make Dartfish software very effective in video analysis. As earlier mentioned, the software is very powerful and effective. For this reason, it is necessary for one to have a powerful computer to be able to do a great and accurate analysis. This is especially true when doing high quality videos. It is advisable for one to look for a computer with specifications that can allow for the smooth running of Dartfish. After analysis a series of videos or just a single video, the second phase of Dartfish which is comparison. At this stage, one is able to compare their analysis with that of a particular clip of their interest. This means that the comparison of performance will be done with the help of a reference clip. This way, it becomes possible for a trainer to show how movement should be at least according to the reference clip. The reference clip acts as a guide on how it should be done while the original clip is used to highlight the good and bad part of the performance.

The Dartfish software is quite advantageous and should be embraced by more people especially those in sports. The ability to show motions sequence means that trainers and players alike are able to identify their weaknesses. This is especially true given the fact that the software is able to segment a clip into different positions of importance. With the help of a reference clip or image, sportsmen are now put in a position where they can improve and learn from their mistakes. Basically, the software is a helpful tool for sportspeople in their journey to perfection. It can be used both in training sessions and after matches to help in improving ability and level of playing of every sportsman.