Cyber security or IT security refers to a framework that focuses on protection of computers, programs, data, and networks from unauthorized or unintended access, destruction, or change [3]. The government agencies, corporations, the military, hospitals, financial institutions, and many other groups often tend to collect, store, and process confidential information on their operating systems or networks. With the growing sophistication and volume of cyberspace attacks, there is need of enhanced attention for the protection of sensitive information, as well as the protection of national security.

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The electronic communication and computing have contemporarily posed extremely complex engineering challenges. These are the challenges that range from the protection of integrity and confidentiality with regards to the transmitted data and information [4]. Such threatening occurrences are inclined to the aspects of network outages, computer viruses, hacking, and many other similar incidences. Therefore, increase in the number of digital applications, data networks, and mobile users increases the exploitation prospects.

Challenges Associated with Cyberspace Security
As highlighted above, cyberspace security is a detrimental factor that needs to be handled intelligently due to the subsequent problems. It is linked to long-term challenges cutting across the aspects of design, consensus, incentives, and the environment. Regarding the design, it is often asserted by the experts that effective cybersecurity should be regarded as an integral segment of the entire ICT design [2]. The only mishap is that most developers only set greater focus on the design features rather than security primarily due to some economic reasons. On the other hand, most of the future security prerequisites are unpredictable hence posting extreme challenges for the designers.

The second challenge associated with cyberspace security is that of incentives. The economic incentive frameworks inclined to cybersecurity are either seen as perverse or distorted [4]. In this case, cybercrime is often regarded as a profitable, cheap and a comparatively safer avenue for criminals. In contrast, cyberspace security seems to be expensive, imperfect and marred with unsure economic returns.

On the other hand, one of the severe challenges is brought about by the issue of consensus. This is based on the fact that cybersecurity is a factor that implies diverse things to various stakeholders. They usually have slight collective agreements on the meaning, risks, and implementations of cyberspace security measures [1]. Therefore, the traditional cybersecurity approaches can be deemed insufficient within a hyperlinked cyberspace environment since the consensus on appropriate options proves elusive.

Finally, the current environmental set-up has also affirmed to be the source of the challenges. Cyberspace is regarded as the fastest developing technological advancement in history. It is characterized by the contemporary and emerging applications and properties ranging from social media, mobile computing, cloud computing, as well as the Internet. These are the frameworks that pose further complications on the evolving cyberspace security threats.

Two New Things that can help in Supporting and Securing Cyberspace
To secure and support the aspect of cyberspace security, there is a dire need of setting up appropriate agencies responsible for developing and deploying secure internet protocols for protection of internet users. This is a perspective that necessitates for a continuous research, test and evaluation, development, as well as adequate deployment efforts [3]. This will boost the general understanding and implementation of measures for curbing cybercrimes.

Another thing that can be utilized in securing cyberspace is that, beyond the act of working with other significant infrastructural associates, there is a need for various organizations to utilize the use of updated antiviruses. This is an ultimate measure that can enhance proactive measures for stopping the probable threats from reaching the audience.

The best Solutions for Cyberspace Security
Cyberspace security is something that has posed greater challenges to the global firms. Such challenges call for an application of appropriate technological solutions. There is a need for the technical experts to come up with various innovations for curbing with the cyberspace crimes. The best approaches should be inclined to the development of authentic software, hardware, and the data in the operating systems that enables for verification of the user identities [1]. One of the techniques for doing so is through the utilization of the biometric technologies, for instance, the fingerprint readers.

Another appropriate technological move for curbing cyberspace crimes is through the development of extremely secure computer software. This can be ascertained through the aspect of utilizing better programming tools. Such programs should encompass the formulation of computer languages with inbuilt security protection measures. Moreover, there is need of technology with the ability to detect the vulnerable features before undertaking any software installation. In this manner, prevention is deemed as the most appropriate thing rather than solving the impacts or results of the real problem.

On the other hand, provision of better security with regards to the data storage and flow is very imperative. This prevents the confidential and sensitive information from being diverted, altered, or monitored. The technical approaches for the achievement of cybersecurity should be accompanied through the methodology of monitoring and detecting any form of security breaches [2]. One of the measures for curbing this issue comprises the adoption of new forensic strategies for catching criminals. The technical experts should finally recognize that the success of a given cybersecurity system depends on a general understanding of the entire system’s safety.

Being one of the detrimental issues associated with globalization, some of the appropriate measures discussed above should be taken into dire consideration. This is significant since cybercrimes have resulted in mega losses in various organizations. On the other hand, it might tamper with a given nation’s security and governance systems due to the intrusion into sensitive data and information. The ultimate decision should hence encompass the formulation of appropriate laws for governing and guiding the implementation of established measures.

  • “Grand Challenges – Secure Cyberspace”,, 2017. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 09- Mar- 2017].
  • M. Owens and D. Simpson, Security in Cyberspace, 1st ed. Hauppauge: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2013.
  • S. Bosworth and M. Kabay, Computer security handbook, 1st ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2002.
  • Y. Xiang, Cyberspace safety and security, 1st ed. Heidelberg: Springer, 2012.