The culture and self-awareness play a significant role in interpersonal communication. Interpersonal communication is the information exchange between two or more parties as asserted by DeVito (2016). However, culture is a common factor in the exchange of information between people since the communication today is based on the improvement in technology worldwide. Similarly, it is very important for one to be self-aware when it comes to sharing of certain information. Self-awareness is based on being aware of personal traits and values, emotions and habits and these factors impact communication greatly (Berger, 2014).

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Therefore, this paper discusses the impact of culture on communication and some of the strategies that may be applied in dealing with communication barriers that may arise due to intercultural differences. Similarly, the paper emphasizes on the impacts of self-awareness on interpersonal communication as well as the effectiveness of other-orientation in self-awareness.

Culture plays a crucial role in interpersonal communication. Intercultural communication often implies that conversations between two people are based on their cultural behaviors from their countries and cultures. Intercultural communication requires the ability to recognize the person someone is interacting with and their culture too (Berger, 2014). The behavioral differences observed during communication with a person from a different country are based on the perception that is specific to that individual. Similarly, the communication specialists usually outline that almost half of most of our communication is done through behavior. The behavior that is used in communication is based and learned from culture.

Every global communication aspect is impacted and influenced by the cultural differences. The choice of communication medium and channel may be impacted by culture (Berger, 2014). For instance, the industrialized countries tend to rely hardly on electronic technology, and thus, they emphasize on written messages that are done over oral or face-to-face communication. For this reason, the people in the workplace tend to differ on their cultural basis, and this may lead to inconveniences in communication. In doing away with the communication barriers that result from cultural differences, one must be keen and learn from each other’s culture and language.

Working with people from other countries or regions with diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds might be sometimes stressful. For instance, when a human services organization needs to consult all employees and leaders in making certain decisions, the difference in culture that is based on language and communication may pose a serious problem. However, different strategies must be applied in handling such cultural differences in the workplace and increase efficiency. For instance, one must increase cultural competence I the way he or she understands and recognizes the culture of everyone in a human services organization (Ünal, 2012). Similarly, learning different communication styles is crucial in reducing the intercultural communication differences. Such communication styles include linear versus circular, concrete versus abstract, detached versus attached and intellectual engagement versus relational engagement.

Cultural differences vary from religion to the language. For instance, due to the differing opinions of people from different cultures, a patient from a certain religion may refuse to have any blood transfusions or surgeries. As a public servant in human services organization, you may have to ignore this since your culture differs from the patient’s and putting the cultural beliefs aside to assist the patient is the best option at the moment (Ünal, 2012). In such a case, your communication between with the patient may differ considering the ignorance of the patient’s culture is the best option to save his or her life.

Other-orientation is an example and interpersonal effectiveness quality, and it embraces the ability for one to adapt his or her messages to another person. Other-orientation involves interest in and attentiveness to the other person and a sincere interest in what the person is saying. To increase self-awareness, we must be able to develop self-understanding in many areas (Berger, 2014). Some of the self-awareness areas that I have been able to access about myself include the personal values, personality traits, habits, and emotions.

Concerning my personality traits, I know that when communicating with other people I tend to use a lot of humor intending to see people smile and laugh. I too know that I have high personal values that I mostly use during my conversations. Such personal values and lead to reactions from my emotions that can be either bad or good. However, I know am capable, and I have enough competence to allow my feelings in controlling the conversations. For instance, I need to ensure that I only include my emotions into a discussion when warranted. Similarly, when discussing something that I do not support at all, I tend to allow my emotions just in controlling my opinion, instead of responding and efficiently listening to what the person am conversing with is saying or want to say.

As accorded by DeVito, understanding your partner effectively depends on how much attention and focus you pay and thus, you are able to adapt your messages to them (2016). Having strong other-orientation and self-awareness can be very helpful in Human services organization since you will be able to communicate effectively with different people with different views and opinions and ways of communicating.

This paper has discussed the general impacts of culture in communication and some of the strategies that may be applied in dealing with communication barriers that may arise due to intercultural differences. Similarly, the paper has emphasized the impacts of self-awareness on interpersonal communication as well as the effectiveness of other-orientation in self-awareness.