As the number of messages and data passed through organizations and across departments in particular organization increases, their security becomes a concern. Most organizations pass messages across various departments through the use of plaintext which is prone to attack thereby putting the company confidential data at risk. The company in question fall short of the security of data and the information that flows from its network since most of the messages sent through the email are not encrypted. While it is important to select the most appropriate cryptographic tools, it is important to understand how these tools relate and perform the basic functions of security such as authentication, confidentiality, as well as integrity and non-repudiation. This paper proposes the most appropriate cryptographic tools that need to be incorporated into the company system so as to provide the necessary security that meets the requirements of the federal government.

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The first cryptographic tool that needs to be incorporated into the security management system of the organization is the key-based authentication, otherwise known as public key authentication. This key is used as password authentication alternative. This key makes it possible to confirm the identity of the client through the use of asymmetric cryptography algorithms, which have both the public keys and the private keys. The keys are used to access plaintext is encrypted using a cipher algorithm which makes it unreadable to any unauthorized persons (Biggs, 2008). The only individuals who have access to the information are those with a special knowledge of the keys. In cryptosystems, the public key is made public by distributing it to the users, while at the same time keeping the private key secret. In this case, the public key is used in the process of the data encryption, while the private key is used to decrypt the text by the user from the other end.

Another possible tool for encryption is the Docker. This tool is an application that makes it possible to deploy programs within a sandbox package. It provides a more efficient security as compared to the most commonly used virtual machines. The Docker makes it possible for the user to develop a sandbox container having the applications possessing different dependencies. This tool can also be used to create and manage various software that is distributed since the user is able to modify the applications much faster by changing the containers (Stallings, 2013). Though the inclusion of new containers into the existing system, the client can easily improve the performance of the system produced. The sandboxes are portable, flexible, and efficient; therefore, making them a more appropriate in the deployment of security solutions, and performance of a majority of software solutions. Its effectiveness has made it popular among cloud service providers.

Security tokens are other possible cryptographic tools that can be used by the organization to prove the identity of an individual electronically. This tool is used additionally to the passwords as a means of authentication. These tokens can take the form of software programs which operate on certain devices or physical devices. The security tokens function in a similar way irrespective of their type. The different forms of the tokens include cryptographic tokens, authentication tokens as well as hardware or software tokens, depending on the application in which they are put. The tokens operate by using a password that releases the internal authentication code (Goldreich, 2001). The tokens may use varied ways in order to generate the authentication code.

In summary, for the best and most effective encryption, the choice of cryptographic tools is necessary. The various tools such as the key-based authentication, Docker, and security tokens, are some of the cryptographic tools that are recommended for application by the organization to ensure that its stored data and the information flowing out of its premises are safe. When these tools are effectively applied in the encryption process then the confidentiality, integrity and non-repudiation aspects of security of the information would be achieved.