The story of the Shackleton expedition has come to serve as a compelling leadership model regarding and explorer and alongside his team in their polar exploration endeavors in 1915 to the coast of Antarctica. Sir Ernest Shackleton, along with a crew of bold British men, were destined to become renowned...
In 2008, the financial world witnessed a grave crisis whose detrimental effects are still visible today. In order to fully appreciate the impact that the 2007-2008 financial crisis has had on the banking sector, suffice to say that banks and financial institutions lost approximately $2.2 between 2007 and 2009 (ECB,...
Throughout world history, representation has come to play a crucial role in determining the nature and significance of a people in the ever-evolving field of anthropology. Anthropology can adequately reflect the value and significance of a social group in the best of cases or detract and distort meaning in the...
The use of oil in different sectors of the production process has an impact on the lives of different people around the world. This is because of overdependence on the product and the need to ensure that there is a steady supply of the product in the future. The United...
The Human Resources (HR) department is now more important than ever as a result of increased globalization and a desire on the part of all organizations to ensure that they maintain the greatest possible competitive advantage (Gunnigle, Lavelle, & Monaghan, 2013; Nijssen & Paawue, 2012). As a result of the...
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