Samples "Criminal procedure" (Page 3)

Criminal procedure

Scientific Method and Fingerprint Analysis

In criminal justice, one refers to fingerprint analysis when it comes to the collection of patent and latent prints of an individual. Namely, fingerprint analysis and selection shall be distinguished between the two above-mentioned types. While referring to a collection of patent prints, the scientific method applies to photographing prints...

324 words | 3 page(s)
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Criminal Investigation Paper

1. The investigative process of a homicide is quite involved. Given the seriousness of the crime, the complexity of the criminal trial to follow, and the need of society to find the person who committed the crime, police investigators are put in the difficult position of having to be quite...

1300 words | 5 page(s)
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Research Question & Keyword Analysis

For the purposes of this paper, I would like to center my research question around the topic of criminal justice courts and their relationship to young offenders. As such, the following research question will guide my studies: Which criminal court helps decrease the recidivism rate of juveniles and why? In...

650 words | 3 page(s)
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Presentation of Digital Evidence

In a forensic report, one of the most critical parts is data acquisition it is through this process that the determination of the outcome of the case. One must be able to identify the sources of data that they will include in the report. In this section, the investigator is...

307 words | 3 page(s)
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Acquiring & Preserving Digital Evidence

OverviewCarrying out digital forensics is critical in acquiring evidence in a case where digital devices such as a computers or mobile phones are found involved in the case. The target of a digital forensics is to derive useful data that may be useful in developing the evidence for the case....

700 words | 3 page(s)
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