The perspective of criminal justice that this paper will discuss is the restorative aspect. The restorative justice perspective is impactful because it ensures retribution for the offences committed and provides an opportunity for the offenders to commence a process of readmission into the community after serving respective sentences. According to Siegel & Worrall (2017), correction should be about retribution and then readmission into the society. The choice of this approach within the criminal justice system is because it introduces a process of repair within the society, where the system takes over the process of integrating the offenders back into the broader community.

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The point of view that this paper embraces is that the criminal justice system exists primarily to provide a process of retribution for the offenders over their acts and offenses. The method of dealing with crime in this way ensures that the offenders face harsh repercussions for their actions and that the society derives fear from the firm approach with which the system deals with offenders as a deterrence mechanism. However, there has been an underlying gap in the ability by the system to ensure that these offenders integrate into the system after serving such sentences through empowerment and the ability to give such offenders a voice in the community post correctional service.

The gap is also observable in the failure by the system to prepare the community towards accepting the offenders back into the society after serving the respective sentences. In essence, this paper adopts the view that in cases where the system is keen on retribution and punishment, then there is a likelihood of failure in the process of ensuring a reduction in the instances of repeat offending due to failure to enhance readmission into the society. The failure to create a restorative process means that the offenders end up seeking illegal ways of re-integration into the society because of the existing stereotypes and misgivings about reformation among offenders.

The restorative justice perspective captures this paper’s ideal view of the criminal justice system and the role it should play in the process of dealing with offenders and the focusing on the long-term ability to deal with recidivism. First, the restorative justice system views offenders as individuals with the capability of reformation and redemption. For this reason, while the process of sentencing is based on the need to ensure retribution and deterrence, the perspective also introduces another aspect, which is the opportunity to make amends.

The latter is important because it moves away from an exclusively disciplinary process and focuses on the need to empower such offenders in the course of finding their footing back into the society. The perspective is superior in this paper’s view because it achieves two-fold objectives. The first is retribution and reformation, where despite the sentence; the offenders emerge as better citizens. The second is the aspect is the fact that the perspective also sets the society up as a safe point of restarting life away from the reproach that would ordinarily stand in the way of reformation.

The criminal justice system currently deals with the high levels of recidivism observable in the society where offenders face re-arrest on more than one instance due to repeat offenses. Siegel & Worrall argue (2017) that there is an existing concern about the ability to deal with concerns around juveniles and repeat offences. The issue of repeat offending therefore raises concerns about the possibility of the current justice system in relation to inadequacies in the process of reducing crime and recidivism. The application of the restorative justice perspective is useful because it not only deals with the issue of recidivism, but it also provides the offenders with the right attitude, skills, and abilities to become better citizens once their respective sentences are complete.