A forensic investigator must take many steps to collect evidence that is admissible in court. The first step in crime scene investigation is to assess the scene dimensions and pinpoint health and safety hazards. The forensic investigator needs to figure out where the crime probably occurred, i.e. living room. Points of entry and exit for the perpetrator are also established. Securing the crime scene area off with yellow tape or other methods is done next. Investigators establish a uniform point of entry and exit for all investigators. Evidence storage places and consultation locations may be created (How itÆs done: samples that may be collected at a crime scene, 2013).

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Planning, communicating, and coordinating is the next step. Thoughts and theories about the crimes committed will be established. Witnesses and potential suspects are interviewed and an evidence collection strategy is conducted. A survey and walkthrough of the scene is then done. Notes are taken and evidence is identified. The forensic investigator looks for furniture position, scents, lighting, and if doors and windows are open. A sweep of the evidence leading to main place where crime was committed may be done (How itÆs done: samples that may be collected at a crime scene, 2013).

The investigator then processes and documents the scene. Photos are taken. Digital or 3-D cameras may be used here. Then, the investigator collects the trace materials that came from points of entry. The next step is to gather DNA evidence by swabbing places of contact. Any other things that may have genetic evidence need to be gathered. The last step is to find and get any fingerprints (How itÆs done: samples that may be collected at a crime scene, 2013).

A second walkthrough is conducted and then an inventory log that documents and preserves all evidence with serial numbers and photos is created. Evidence can be guns, gloves, rope, and bloody clothing (How itÆs done: samples that may be collected at a crime scene, 2013).

The three steps of digital forensic investigation include getting a live RAM dump, securing a good disk image, and finding and analyzing any evidence.

  • How itÆs done: samples that may be collected at a crime scene. (2013). Retrieved from NFSTC: http://www.forensicsciencesimplified.org/csi/how.html