Decision-making process for employees with two different strengths

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Every single decision-making process for employees is very vital for the success or failure of the company. In the modern world, businesses are more prone to rapid changes due to increased competitiveness, and rapid changes in technology. Successful business companies have learned that that cannot afford to determine the various strengths and weaknesses for their employees’ and develop a decision-making process to ensure that their strengths are put into effective utilization and action for better performance. At the same time, it can be disastrous to make decisions without having enough information or without taking considerations of the available alternatives.

In this case, the strength of the first employee, in this case employee A is communication. The employee always communicates their ideas concisely and clearly. He/she organizes and also provides an explanation even those which involve very complex topics by utilizing easy to understand terms. He/she is also careful in tailoring their remarks to their audience. He/she also communicates ideas in writing using his/her excellent writing skills. She can be trusted to communicate on behalf of the business organization to very important customers and providing important information to the public.

Therefore, a decision making process for employee A is that he/she can be trusted as an influential person, can build relationships, can keep others informed, and promotes the use of candid and open communication. It will important to cultivate and nurture his/her strengths by providing them with substantial training and support especially in the areas of public relations and communications. Employee A will be trained on how to use different styles for straightforward communication and how to organize different topics in a way to assist the audience to effectively grasp the main points. For the reason of further enhancing his/her listening skills, employee A will be trained how to listen patiently and paying close attention to other people. To address his/her weakness of interrupting others while they are speaking, employee A will be trained to be more effective in his/her work as well as maintaining interpersonal relationships by spending more time to actively listening to other people’s ideas. Therefore, the core decision-making process will entail nurturing employee A to be a right person who the company can use to convey important information both inside and outside the business environment.

On the other hand, employee B’s strength is team work. Employee B demonstrates effectiveness when working in groups with almost every individual at different levels in the organization. He/she is respected because of her candor and openness. To enhance this strength, employee B will receive training on how to communicate effectively as part of a team. The employee will be trained on how to keep everyone focused without dominating the discussion especially in an activity which involves a large team. During the decision-making process, the employee will be trained on how to effectively approach problems and solve them in a teamwork setting. The employee will be trained on how to offer and utilize critical ideas offered by other team members. This will help in improving the levels of comfort among the team members and help in strengthening contributions of viewpoints offered by other team members. Another important aspect is that employee is identified as an individual who can sometimes work effectively with team members but at a given time, he/she can become vehement in expressing their own ideas or opinions hence creating a distance between the employee and other team members. To address this issue, employee B will receive training on how to create more productive problem-solving situations toning down to his/her individual feelings and showing that he/she is open to other people’s viewpoints.

Developing employees with different strengths
As a manager, it is important to develop the strength and potential of employees when they demonstrate them in certain aspects. Developing the strength of employee can be considered a smart investment because it will enhance the overall productivity and performance of the business organization. A manager can begin to develop the strengths of employees by assessing their strengths and moving to develop them in different ways.

To begin with, the manager should determine the strengths of the employees and consider those that make them stand out. This can be accomplished by best determining how they distinguish themselves from other colleagues. For instance, when a manager thinks about employee A, they can think about him/her as an individual who has the ability to talk to anyone, customer, or colleague. While as a manager you have not considered this as a vital asset initially, you should take it into consideration as an important strength because he/she has the ability to communicate effectively.

Secondly, a manager should identify where employees perform best through subjective analysis and data to point. For instance, a manager can determine the numbers and notice that a certain employee is fast in converting in their reports and where they demonstrate the minimal errors. This could imply that their strengths lie in synthesizing information and written communication.

Finally, a manager should promote continuous education and training for the employees for them to take advantage for their strengths and learn new concepts in areas they have weaknesses. Continuous education and training such as classes, conferences, seminars, and workshops help employees to renew or develop strengths which in turn encourage them to take advantage of these opportunities and strengthen their potential. For instance, the manager can consider bringing experts to lead trainings and workshops on specific strengths and skills to help employees improve.